Not the cars or the ethnic group, but the actual bugs. They seem to love the railroad ties that line my driveway (I know, they are old and need replaced) and every summer a group seems to make a nest. They let me know they have moved in by getting mad at me for daring to walk up the driveway and stinging the crap out of my ankles. Ouch! After killing this year's nest of small hornets, a family of much larger wasps moved in. They introduced themselves by stinging me on the same darn ankle that was swollen from last week's bites. MAJOR OUCH!
Is there something I can soak into the timbers that will kill any living creature within 10 feet? Does anyone have a lead on some Semtex or C4? Is there a way to trap them so that I can torture them individually before killing them? I'm a pretty mellow guy, but I seriously want to go all Khemer Rouge on them.
plug holes with caulk. Works every time. Or replace timber with concrete
Finally, something we can agree on. 
7/29/11 10:56 a.m.
Smoke. Or does that only work on bees?
I feel your pain. We don't have so many hornets and wasps, but yellow jackets/queen bees love our house. To the point where we had to call a professional last year to get a hive they had built in a small gap behind some siding. They had to come back a second time to hit it again. But they nest playground, my bbq, the house, top of garage door frame, inside the rear view mirror and fenderwell of my race car (SURPISE!!!!). I haven't found anything to stop them from nesting in the first place. But once I spray with the killer stuff we get at HD or Lowes, they never come back to the same spot.
sorry no real help... but aerosol cans are magic and dropping them out of the sky.... they like to make nests in the garage from time to time... a little bit of carb cleaner and they are on the ground... the stuff shrivels up their wings... and primes them for a nice BBQ i'm feeling pyro that day
I've been spending too much time on the Axis & Allies board, I thought this post was on US Aircraft Carriers! 
I bought some nasty-ass stuff at Lowes for termites, wood boring ants and wood borign bees. It practically requires a hazmat suit for application. Soaking the timbers with that might work. I don't remember the name, but it was a Bayer product in a blue container.
Found it; Bayer Advanced Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus
The Plus means better!