It's the most miserable time of the year! I just wasted another 45 minutes of my life mowing the damn grass that was 8" tall and weed eating. And what do I get out of it huh? I get to spend the rest of the night hoping my asthma puffer kicks in while hacking and wheezing like an 80yo chain smoker and having snot run out of my nose and resisting the urge to take a fork and scratch my eyes with it. ONLY TO HAVE TO DO IT ALL AGAIN IN A COUPLE DAYS!!! Oh, I take all the pills the doctors say to take, at least my eyes don't swell completely shut anymore.
But this rant isn't only about my being allergic to every living thing on the face of this earth, oh no! I got something for the chemists too. Why oh why in the name of all that is science have we made it this far and you berkeleyers have yet to come up with a freaking spray that will stunt the growth of grass!?!?! I mean you have the ability to give an old man an erection!!! Just a simple spray that won't turn the E36 M3 brown but will make it grow 5X slower??? Come on smart people! This is something the world needs!!! I mean it's 2015 for crying out loud!
Also, I need a hepa filter for my motorcycle helmet.
Bring back the cold dead grips of winter I beg of you mother nature. I hate mowing grass!!!
In reply to nepa03focus:
If it was my lawn I would seriously consider it, but alas I am a renter. Two houses down they have replaced all the grass with decorative stone. Those old berkeleyers have the right idea.
Oh I missed that part sorry. That stinks I'm lucky enough not to have bad allergies and I kind of enjoy mowing, but to be fair I probably won't have to start until June or so lol. Shouldn't the landlord be taking care of it?
We missed cutting the grass last week because we were out of town. It's tall enough that we will have to cut it 3 times this weekend. crazy. My wife has been sniffling all week since we got back from Utah too. I needed to bring back the desert landscape from out there.
I have bad allergies. I have asthma. I have had two sinus surgeries to remove infections that coils by killed with antibiotics.
Buy this and take it. It helps amazingly well.
Get a neti pot and use it.
Additionally, wear a damn dust mask when mowing the lawn.
Next time you re-up the rental agreement, tell the landlord that you'll not be taking care of the yard anymore due to your allergies. So they can tack the costs of doing that onto your monthly rent to pay for a gardener. Or you can go ahead and pay someone to mow it for you.
Now you have more time for working on things that don't make you sneeze.
Second I had really good luck with the nasal steroid sprays and being much better about washing my face and even flushing the pollen out of my nose.
In reply to turboswede:
I'm not one to pay for something that I can do myself.
As far as the allergies go, I've been dealing with them as long as I've been alive. I appreciate the suggestions, but believe me when I say I have tried everything available out there. I honestly feel better 95% of the time than I ever have in my life, but nothing has proven to knock them completely out.
I was kind of halfheartedly hoping someone would say that they have been spraying their lawn with a mixture of baking soda and sea salt and it has reduced their need to mow by 25% or something 
Yeah I thought I had tried everything. The n-acetyl cystine in the allermax breaks up mucous. It actually works.
3/28/15 12:42 a.m.
There's still snow in my yard (in RI). The lawn that is exposed is saturated, brown and sad. I don't think I'll be mowing til mid-April. I have to do some serious de-thatching, but that won't be for at least another week.
I'm curious how allergy season will go up here, as it's delayed a solid month. My lawn was de-thatched, fertilized and seeded at this point last year. 
I don't mind mowing the grass since our yard is pretty small (I can mow and weed whack it in a half hour or so). I despise digging out the flower beds every spring and putting new mulch down. I'd rather nuke all the plants and put stones down and have Arizona flower beds 
how about a mask.. not one of those flimsy paper ones, but an honest to goodness filtered mask? It may look silly, but it is better than worrying about an attack
Like mm sez: Painting mask. Those dust masks might keep some sawdust out of your nose, but that's about it. A mask as used for automotive painting fits tight enough to keep the pollen out. A surplus military gas mask would work well too.
I have a 3M 3/4 mask. It's not just mowing the grass though. I can ride by a field full of flowers and have to pull over a mile down the road until the sneezing fits subside and my eyes clear up. Or if I ride by people mowing. Or any trees...I'm selling my bike and buying a snowmoblie and moving to the arctic circle
If the over the counter stuff won't help you anymore, including the nasal-cort spray stuff, it might be time for a visit to an allergist.
Ian F
3/28/15 9:36 a.m.
Yeah... I'm not looking forward to this allergy season. The grass/trees/bushes haven't even started to turn green yet and I'm already popping Claritin D. I was supposed to do a mtn bike race today but I feel like crap.
I'm on advair, Flonase, neti pot rinses, and daily Zyrtec at upwards of 4x the normal dose. I've been part of a trial use pulmacort respules in a neti pot rinse. I've had been on over 15 years of shot based immuno therapy ( I nove a lot and it resets the allergies). I've had two sinus surgeries. And normally it gets so bad I need to go on oral steroids once or twice a season to get my breathing back in order.
Use the mask, but also use the aller max. I'm not pushing snake oil. Trust me.
The other thing that helped was working with a registered dietician to find the foods that my body didn't like and caused systemic inflammation. I've done it all
Dr. Hess wrote:
If the over the counter stuff won't help you anymore, including the nasal-cort spray stuff, it might be time for a visit to an allergist.
See Fueled by Caffeines latest post. I have done everything he has done. Almost to a T. I've only had one sinus surgery and stopped the shots a long time ago but have been on everything else he's mentioned. I'm waiting for my insurance to start with the new job before I get back in to see an allergist, most of my daily asthma maintenance prescriptions have ran out.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
I'll give it a shot.
Spring? The south part of Chicago had snow and ice and a LOT of accidents on the roadways yesterday. Spring comes mid-May?
I know it is still march.. but I would really like some of that spring like weather we are supposed to be getting.
I'll try your magic pills, Iggy. Got it on my amazon wish list.
Netti pot did nothing for me but give me a raging maxillary sinus infection.