45* yes...and I went through that 2 years ago now when the remnants of a hurricane made it all the way up to Ohio. I was at lunch when it came through, watched it tear a few streetlights right off the wires they were suspended on. I decided to go home when the awning of the restaurant I was eating at ripped off the building, rolled over the roof, caught on the industrial AC unit like a sail, tearing it off the roof, and dumping the whole shebang into an Accord in the lot...that car looked like it caught the AC unit like a glove catches a baseball.
I dodged 20' sections of 3" pvc corrugated culvert, and a backyard shade tent on the way home, not to mention all the random garbage cans and roosters etc that were whirling about.
When I got home, there was a crowd in front of my house oohing and awwwing as the shingles flew off one by one. I live right at the bend in the street, and my home is somewhat L shaped...the apex of the inside of the L is straight in line with the street, so basically there was an unobstructed path from west to east, culminating at my livingroom. That made a perfect little tunnel for the dying hurricane to take its frustration out on my ranch home.
It also popped 4 sections of privacy fence of their posts and uprooted a tree just behind my property line. The trees roots were under a post in my property fence, so up came that post, snapping some rails in my split rail fence like twigs.
Roofing companies were springing up out of the woodwork after that, dropping off cards and flyers at my house all the time for weeks...good thing I know roofing (did it for several years as a teen) and still knew a reputable contractor willing to help out an old friend.
We did get a new roof out of the deal, so that probably helps our home value right now while its still new. We also got a couple hundey in cash to have the fences fixed and the tree cut up...of course I used that cash to pay someone else to do that
Long and short, the insurance actually helped me out for once, rather than just being a bill I pay. Luckily, my rates didnt go up either...the ins. company cannot raise your rates in Ohio for a hurricane lol