Earlier in the year, I was finding myself wanting to something with my hands........not that you pervs.
I've put together one of the cool marble kits from Wooden-Town and have a couple more, since one of drunken friends (well friend of a friend) broke it on NYE.
So I decided to try something auto related and bought the LEGO Technic Ducati kit, and lightailing kit as well. I thought I had lost a piece so I put it away for a few months before I finally started messing with it again, only to find I had used a very similar looking piece in the wrong place. BOOM! Now I can finish it. It even has a "working" gearbox with two gears and neutral. So you can put in neutral, push it along, pistons dont move, put in gear and the do.
Since I finished it, I enjoyed doing it so much, I've purchased 3 more kits (and the light kits as well). And there are at least 3-4 more I want to get. I have no idea where I'm going to display them all once I get them built.

I <3 Legos. It's so fun having kids to play with them with!
I have a soft spot for the NASA sets. I'm going to order the shuttle soon but I already have the Saturn V, LEM and ISS.
Here are the 2.5 kits currently waiting. For scale, the Ghostbusters one is approx ~18" long. The also have some really big Bugatti and Lambo kits as well, but both of those approach $400 each and are in the 3500 pieces range.

akamcfly said:
I have a soft spot for the NASA sets. I'm going to order the shuttle soon but I already have the Saturn V, LEM and ISS.
The Saturn and Shuttle are really good builds. The build quality of the Shuttle is first rate, it's one solidly built piece. You can buy properly printed pieces for the Canadarm that say CANADA :)
I still have all of my classic Space Lego from the 80s along with the old Technic I had at the time. I was lucky to have a lot of the iconic sets, including the first car. I learned a lot about mechanics from that, actually - I've used Technic in some of my YouTube videos, and the open differential is just so easy to see and understand.
I've got some of the newer Technics sets, generally of construction equipment. I've discovered that I like old school brick-on-brick construction (like the VW bus) as opposed to the studless "body panels stuck in a mesh" body design used in the newer Technic cars, but that's personal preference.
Best easter egg I've found in a kit was the Mini Cooper kit. There's rust inside the sills where you can't see it. There's always rust inside the sills.
Unfortunately, I have learned that I am married to President Business. For her, kits are to be built and not taken apart. For me, messing with them is a big part of the fun.
The kids and I have been working on that Land Rover for awhile now. It's almost as hard to build as a locost!
9/2/21 4:12 p.m.
Keith Tanner said:
Best easter egg I've found in a kit was the Mini Cooper kit. There's rust inside the sills where you can't see it. There's always rust inside the sills.
Just found / remembered that when I was deconstructing my Mini Tuesday night.
I remember going to toys R us as a kid and getting the 'Shock Cycle' (It was a dirt bike.) Looks like that came out in '91. For some reason I remember it being crazy expensive. It was $30...
I always loved the Technic stuff...
9/2/21 4:50 p.m.
In reply to z31maniac :
I was very unhappy with how fragile that version of the VW bus was. Any time I moved it it would lose a bumper or something. I'm interested in the newer set with the blue color, if I get that I might trade out the blue pieces for orange so it looks like Dad's VW bus
That being said, LEGO is a great stress reliever for me. I've got the Mini Cooper (Set 10242) the Mustang (10265) and the Brick Headz Mandolorian and The Child (75317) set waiting for when I need it. Wife got me the Technic 24 Hour Racecar (42039) and the 911GT3 (42056) and the Saturn V (21309) for various anniversaries, birthdays, or whatnot.
I picked these up over the course of a year and just didn't feel like building until a couple weeks ago.

In reply to Mr_Asa :
Well damn. That's disappointing to hear. I'm going to go back to working on that crazy ECTO-1.
And then get all the lights in it. Of which there is a metric berkeley ton, a good technical term.
I could get on Amazon and easily drop another $1500 on these things right now.
But I also need to keep saving so whatever car I buy next year, the first thing that's happening is clay bar, the entire car in protective film, and then they ceramic coat the film.
Mr_Asa, there's an alternative build for the Porsche that makes a Stratos. It's pretty fun. Kinda fragile but hey, it's an Italian supercar from the 70s.
9/2/21 6:16 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I'm pretty happy leaving it as it is. I'd like to find a kit to make a 914, though.
Custom kits and one off are very impressive these days.

In reply to z31maniac :
Have you seen the plans for Technic scale firearms...that shoot LEGO bullets?
In reply to akamcfly :
I've got the Saturn V and ISS kits, that's what my wife gets me for my birthday every year, even at 41YO. This year I got some mid level Star Wars ships.
Count me in the love Legos camp. I built the Ferrari F40 (10248) as my first technic build in probably 20 years. I want to say it took me 6 hours total.
In reply to Appleseed :
In reply to JesseWolfe :
I'm really interested in those too. Going to end up having to buy/build some shelving in my office!
In reply to clutchsmoke :
I just checked, it's still available on Amazon..............for $419!
I haven't even finished the ones I have and I want to stockpile more!
In reply to z31maniac :
I dont know if this is the best build, but yes, really.
So..Look at VEX IQ robotics. they evolved from Lego Technics
I still have all of my Legos from growing up, right in that time when they went from brick-on-brick to lots of custom pieces, the kind of "shell over frame" silhouette constructionfor technic stuff, etc. Always been more of a fan of the brick on brick style since there were more ways to modify/customize things. Those Creator sets look right up my alley...
In reply to z31maniac :
Holy carp! I got mine for $150 years back. $419 is a no. Not worth that price.
In reply to clutchsmoke :
That's the nature of the limited run special sets. Especially Ferraris. Big resale value. A lot of people buy one to build and one to flip. But where's the fun in that?