After the never ending pandemic, the never ending poiical discourse and constant negativity surrounding our daily lives and winter hitting us, the D has once again taken a large chunk of my ability to care and carry on. So my request:
Everyone go out and enjoy yourself today. Tomorrow. Next week. Please, go find happiness and joy. You don't need to share it, or make someone else happy. I only want YOU to find peace and joy, even if only for a little bit.
That's my whole request. Find a kernel of happiness and joy for yourself.
In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
that ship sailed.
In that vane, I brought my sons Oculus Quest into work today to share with some co workers.
In reply to John Welsh :
love you too man.
I think we need to find warmer climates that aren't so damn gray.
I came in here thinking this will have something to do with Korean cars. I'm disappointed.
I made it through an entire morning getting the kids ready for school and the extended dropping off sequence and everything without once losing my temper with them. That counts for me. I also had a really good morning yesterday. The day, not so much, but joy is there still. I hope you can find something to focus on that helps. You deserve it too.
CyberEric said:
I came in here thinking this will have something to do with Korean cars. I'm disappointed.
I mean, they bring joy too. You should buy one. Or a dozen
In reply to bobzilla :
Recently, I listened to Seth's podcast episode that featured you. It reminded me that I enjoy and miss being around you. Expect to see me this year at Mid-Ohio!
My company just introduced an OKR program. My mental health is now at an all-time low. Why the BERK do companies do this???
internet high five for bobzilla. we've never met in person, but i enjoy your presence here. i hope you find some sunshine, my friend. if you wanna talk V8 corvairs or pretty much anything else, you can reach me at 634-sixfivesixsix in the seven three four area code.
I feel you Bobzilla, I had a project renovation breakdown after the 49th thing went wrong in a row. We've all been there, you are trying to do somehting simple, but something breaks, you reach for your wrench and cut your hand, then knock over you drink reaching for the band-aids, then trip while trying to get a towel. Anyway, I said "F- it" and rented the new Ghostbusters and spent a night on the couch with my son doing nothing. Not really, we made cupcakes and popcorn. It was great, and I am happy once again.
I googled Kia porn for you. It came up with this. Hope you like them big.

So work is even harder than ever thanks to shortages, shipping and staffing. Today I'm drowning my feelings in Taco Bell.
2/9/22 12:14 p.m.
bobzilla said:
So work is even harder than ever thanks to shortages, shipping and staffing. Today I'm drowning my feelings in Taco Bell.
The best part about eating your feelings at Taco Bell is you are still only out less than $10. Now I want a chili cheese burrito.
I picked up a cheap yet decently regarded Ukulele for Christmas. As musically challenged as I am, this has easily been the best thing I've done for my mental health since going on a low-dosage of Sertraline.
You only need to learn a few easy chords to be able to play all sorts of songs. So there is a lot of up-front instant gratification, in addition to being able dive as deep as you'd like with it.
There's just something about playing it that's both cheerful and soothing, and gives a few moments where the brain can't focus on anything else. On top of that, it's so small that it's unbelievably easy to keep close at hand just to grab and play any time the mood/need strikes to disconnect for a minute (or hour) and just play.
I'll certainly be playing it a number of times today., and I can certainly do an extra dedicated to your request.
2/9/22 12:46 p.m.
bobzilla said:
After the never ending pandemic, the never ending poiical discourse and constant negativity surrounding our daily lives and winter hitting us, the D has once again taken a large chunk of my ability to care and carry on. So my request:
Everyone go out and enjoy yourself today. Tomorrow. Next week. Please, go find happiness and joy. You don't need to share it, or make someone else happy. I only want YOU to find peace and joy, even if only for a little bit.
That's my whole request. Find a kernel of happiness and joy for yourself.
Per your original point I've been taking a break every day (roughly 3o minutes) to play video games I like. I've always been a gamer so I've got lots of options. I love playing games with my kids, but this is me time. I fire up a game, beat some random side mission, then back to work. I used to think I couldn't afford to miss the billable time but it turns out I'm WAY more productive if I take some "me time" once a day. Weird, but it works and playing video games makes me happy.
In reply to slefain :
I play 60-90 minutes most mornings before work. This morning I was 4 minutes late because I finished Mass Effect 1. Starting 2 tomorrow.
In reply to Driven5 :
smallest section in the record store: Ukelele Blues
I work in customer service and get b!tch3d at all day, and had a great weekend at a kart swap meet to buy and sell to try and get my daughters kart ready for the season.
I'll get behind Driven5 on that suggestion. Ukes are cheap, simple, and way fun. Like a small classical guitar, can be used for absolutely anything. My 93yo grandpa plays one. Pick up a used one for $40 on fb and give it a whirl. If it doesn't take, you can get your money back pretty easily. Might even be a stepping stone into something else. Pick up a bass and be the most in demand musician ever. Everyone needs a bass player.
Funny, we bought the 7 yr old a Uke for Christmas.
My wedding anniversary is Monday and I took the day off to just hang with the wife. Whatever she wants to do - watch Regis or Oprah? I'm in.
Turning off the cell - it can wait.