Went to Santa Fe on vacation, did a few day trips within a two hours' drive. One trip was to Moriarty, NM for a glider aerobatic flight (my last one).
Across the street from the Glider Museum is a car museum. I was there three different days and it was only open once. 82 year old guy, jeans, button down cowboy shirt, white hair braided about a foot down the back, slow soft spoken. He owned a garage for ~50 years and loves cars. The museum is 100 X 100 ft. of totally restored cars he's done over the years. Three 55-57 TBirds, old rods, Model As, Bs and Ts. Outside
is 10 acres of 50 years of collecting! I can't - didn't upload the many pictures I took, but enough to give you a taste.
He won't sell anything. He claims the "Merican Pickers keep callin', not after the way they treated that woman done Roswell". I understand they beat her out of some Model Ts, pissed off car guys all around and her neighbors.
Bon Appetit'.

Sorry, Photobucket doesn't want to play any more.

Just one of the many reasons I love living in New Mexico. I just checked your profile and see that we used to be neighbors! I used to live in Schylerville, NY! I've been in Albuquerque for about five years now.
Cool stuff! Do you have a photo of that boat tail speedster from the front?
So much cool. 
Love the COE and the buses.
Woody wrote:
Cool stuff! Do you have a photo of that boat tail speedster from the front?
Digging the headlights.

Check the doors, add lightness!
Dry land ith not a mith, I have seeen ittt!
We've driven and ridden through Moriarty many times. West bound, we're late trying to make Albuquerque before they stop serving dinner at the Drury Inn, so no stopping then. East bound, we stop at the Moriarty Taco Bell or MickyD for breakfast, and with 700 miles to go that day, no time to look at cars. I do recall the signs for his museum, though.
There's a place like that in Delta, CO only without the museum. Just a bunch of old cars in the desert air. They are for sale.
java230 wrote:
That COE is awesome....
That was my only thought too.
Keith Tanner wrote:
There's a place like that in Delta, CO only without the museum. Just a bunch of old cars in the desert air. They are for sale.
We need pictures and contact information, of course.