Yes, its another "Praising" thread to the Grassroots Gods. I am so thankful this site exsists and the followers are so easy to get along with, except for those pesky Politics threads, but who cares! I love how we can all come together and discuss robot sex toys and drunk bobsleders and bacon as a family.
Apart of my job is to surf the interweb on the different Volkswagen and Audi forums to try to answer and clear up any questions or concerns people may have with our company Revo Technik (shameless plug :D). These forums are nothing but a pain in my rear end thanks to some of our competitors and just general fanbois. Consistanly, i am trying to clear up bashing on our company and redicilous questions. When they have a problem, who is first to blame? You guessed it: US. Instead of emailing and asking us a question, they are so quick to jump on the forums and bash us. Just simple problems, like a vacuum leak, but no, its instantly software. Its just diffcult, always being in defensive mode, instead of having fun with those, joking and laughing with them on the forums.
This is way i love this website. Its so easy to come here and talk about serious stuff, fun stuff, technicial stuff, anything! I can come on this site and ask how to prepare a steak dinner, or how to adjust my corner weights. So i say, Thank you very very very much for hosting this website and have such a great following of characters, it helps me get thru my day.
Yeah, this is a very different site from any others. The only other site I've EVER run into that was like this was The site is now gone but it was great while it lasted (because it was locally based we actually ran into each other in person, this cuts down on the "my internet schwang is bigger than yours).
I've been on this site since the $1500 challenge and am happy to say it hasn't changed for the worse even though the membership has grown many times over.
Duke, I understand exactly where you're coming from. GRM is where I come for a break.
2/2/10 11:45 a.m.
From utterly silly, to very serious and intense. From "Here's my new dog" to girlfriend advise. How do I calibrate my MS, to tire advise. Yup, all here. And no flaming, no fanbois, even a couple of cute girls. I don't go anywhere else. Just call me "Mr." SuperDork!
Typical response i have to deal with...
Fanboi said:
i had revo stg2 before and wasnt happy. bad customer service all over. revo could care less about the vw community last time i talked to them that is what they told me
This previous customer started unpluging emission controls and found out we do not support that. So he constantly does this. Why in god's name would we say we could care less about the VW Community? Uh... They are the ones that help me get a paycheck... Rant over...
The best way to prepare a steak dinner is before you get plastered. Otherwise you may set the house on fire. I like mine rare. 
you know its bushes fault!he went out picking a fight jacked up the economy The Messiah will save us by providing a blow up doll to every home bacon to every child and somehow a meotter will find its way into every garage before Tim Baxter pulls his hair out while others show off their new dog.
Sorry, I;'m note good at bad puncturation
This site has spoiled me to the point that I can't post or really read any other forums. Especially some model specific ones. I can often get better and quicker responses here anyway, even with very specific model-specific questions.
This being GRM I also like the diy suggestions, like "part X from a Y fits on Z and part X is only $5." instead of, "just go to the dealership/DangerZone/Aftermarket supplier." On other forums, if it isn't available aftermarket, it can't be done, people have no ingenuity and then give up.
The only other forum I frequent that is good is SpecialStage.
Amen Duke, amen. I'm here for the lack of brand* loyalty, the high quality projects and general positive attitude which prevails.
*p71 and Miata transcend brand and achieve deity status
I'm sorry you have to spend time on VWVortex.
Carson wrote:
I can often get better and quicker responses here anyway, even with very specific model-specific questions.
As can I. I was amazed, for example, with the quick answers for my Early 60's Tempest Race Car question. Talk about obscure!
I love setting up corner weights and ride heights...
Seriously, though...this forum rocks. Definitely a wide array of talents here...and everyone plays nice.
I do wish there were more local folks I could actually meet face to face. (more is in bold because I have already met a few from the board)
duke speaks the gospel
ClemSparks wrote:
I love setting up corner weights and ride heights...
thats the thing with the Fanboi's... All they know is LOW and GO. They could care less about spring rates and corner weights, they measure how cool they are with the amount of damaged oil pans that are hanging in their garage...
Fanboiz. Never forget the Zs...yo!
2/2/10 1:27 p.m.
It's also well rounded in age groups. I'm 65, and we have guys in their teens. Timmy is , what, 16? Is anybody here older then I am? Funny, I clearly remember being the youngest Dad in the PTA, now have greatgrands.
Timmy is 16 in spirit, Tommy is 16 in body.

2/2/10 2:47 p.m.
slefain wrote:
I'm sorry you have to spend time on VWVortex.
heck that is half the reason I sold my MkIV (turbo-S)
That's what happens when you're 65 ,cwh !!!
2/2/10 2:56 p.m.
Actually, that will be May 30, so you are all invited to the wake, er, party. No other Hanlon male has made it to 60, so I'm breaking records every day. What's going to happen? Find another Grand Adventure. Probably spend a week in Trinidad. All business, of course. May go to Haiti a few times to help. I ain't done yet, not by a long shot. Then there is that challenge thing.
Mojo are you offering top cook us all a plastered steak?
I also love the site, peeps and even the events, this is without a doubt the most mature car site I have ever found, in addition it is self policing and intelligent (well mostly)
2/2/10 4:09 p.m.
Yeah, it takes a few times to figure out what a canoe is, we have had a few strange ones hang out for a while. Would like to see a few area get-togethers. Daytona is a fer piece for me.
+1 on the maturity. I still remember my first thread back when I joined asking how to get 200 HP out of my neon.
And this site introduced me to Top Gear...nuff said