10/30/12 8:32 a.m.
Ok, so I’m watching the news this morning and they are covering the storm that hit the east. Naturally, 99.989% of the coverage centers on the NYC area. They seem to ignore the fact that a thousand miles or more of shoreline was hit, dumping 3 feet of snow in Virginia! It all centered on NYC because the only two places that matter in the U.S. are NYC and L.A. Anyway, there is a reporter showing a line of ambulances that are evacuating a hospital that lost power (many of them did) and says “we all know about the resilience of New Yorkers, and this just goes to show you.”
REALLY! So, are we saying if a similar situation happened in say, Abilene, TX., Spokane, WA, or Little Rock people would say “well, the hospitals lost power. Let’s just go home. We’ll come back tomorrow with body bags since these people are all going to die now”.
The biggest news story about this storm hitting NYC? Tourism will increase now that the urine smell and filth has been washed away and the subways are clean.
I'm not knocking anyone, just the media in general. I hope everyone from this board that lives in the NYC area survived. As for the rest of you that were hit by the storm, who cares 
DrBoost wrote:
It all centered on NYC because the only two places that matter in the U.S. are NYC and L.A.
Kinda like the housing "crisis". Most of the country only experienced second hand smoke type effects and that was due to the reporting on it too.
DrBoost wrote:
REALLY! So, are we saying if a similar situation happened in say, Abilene, TX., Spokane, WA, or Little Rock people would say “well, the hospitals lost power. Let’s just go home. We’ll come back tomorrow with body bags since these people are all going to die now”.
Katrina. They did come back with bodybags.
I know what you mean, but I recall stories out of Louisiana after Katrina. My wife knew one of the nursing homes which left their patients to die in the storm surge. I think they were acquitted or found not guilty. I'm not sure.
10/30/12 9:45 a.m.
DoctorBlade wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
REALLY! So, are we saying if a similar situation happened in say, Abilene, TX., Spokane, WA, or Little Rock people would say “well, the hospitals lost power. Let’s just go home. We’ll come back tomorrow with body bags since these people are all going to die now”.
Katrina. They did come back with bodybags.
I know what you mean, but I recall stories out of Louisiana after Katrina. My wife knew one of the nursing homes which left their patients to die in the storm surge. I think they were acquitted or found not guilty. I'm not sure.
Katrina was a massive fail on many levels, starting with the monumental ineptitude of the Louisiana governor and New Orleans' mayor. An essentially dysfunctional populace didn't help either. Everything was made worse by the politicization foisted on us by a media and vocal politicians who wanted a scapegoat who was anyone but those most responsible.
Sandy is/was a big deal made even bigger because it happened in the back yards of those who make/report the "news". You always pay more attention when it's your or your neighbor's house on fire than the poor schmuck's across town.
10/30/12 9:50 a.m.
Katrina, also, did not only hit Louisiana, it also destroyed a huge part of MS ans AL which hardly got any press.
I don't really want to wish bad on anyone, but I would love to see one of these idiots that do their broadcast from out on the storm get blown away. Freaking Scott Pelley was doing the national news last night from outside in the storm.
Strizzo wrote:
Katrina, also, did not only hit Louisiana, it also destroyed a huge part of MS ans AL which hardly got any press.
And don't forget those "other" hurricanes that got 0 coverage that year. My dad and brother were both without power for weeks. Years later, there were still houses in Ft. Pierce with tarps on the roof, waiting for the insurance companies to get off their asses. No looting though. Shocking.
10/30/12 10:20 a.m.
spitfirebill wrote:
I don't really want to wish bad on anyone, but I would love to see one of these idiots that do their broadcast from out on the storm get blown away. Freaking Scott Pelley was doing the national news last night from outside in the storm.
Darwinism will eventually claim one of them........I wonder if fox news will have to apologize for not stopping a 5 second delay again due to decapitation.....
10/30/12 10:26 a.m.
In reply to yamaha:
I'd venture that Fox and all its' media brethren learned a lot from that episode.
Considering all the stupid stuff seen on TWC, it seems their staffers have a much higher "at risk" status.
10/30/12 10:42 a.m.
oldsaw wrote:
In reply to yamaha:
I'd venture that Fox and all its' media brethren learned a lot from that episode.
Considering all the stupid stuff seen on TWC, it seems their staffers have a much higher "at risk" status.
Yea, you'd hope they've learned.......for the most case, I think the dumbest thing any of the TWC guys did was riding out katrina in that concrete "hurricane proof" house on the shore.....3 story dome with a surge of over 20ft great idea 
10/30/12 11:31 a.m.
DoctorBlade wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
REALLY! So, are we saying if a similar situation happened in say, Abilene, TX., Spokane, WA, or Little Rock people would say “well, the hospitals lost power. Let’s just go home. We’ll come back tomorrow with body bags since these people are all going to die now”.
Katrina. They did come back with bodybags.
I know what you mean, but I recall stories out of Louisiana after Katrina. My wife knew one of the nursing homes which left their patients to die in the storm surge. I think they were acquitted or found not guilty. I'm not sure.
While that's terrible (I heard about that too) it's quite a different situation. They were going under water, fast. There was no help to be found and they booked. That's terrible and I hope what we hear of Karma is true but in NY, they are making a big deal out of the fact that there are ambulances taking people out of a hospital (I'd LOVE to see the bill they charge for this, you know it's going to be 'adjusted' for the insurance companies) and that shows the resilience? They HAVE roads so it ain't as bad as many situations that don't get coverage. How about the towns that are damaged every few years by tornadoes? They re-build with green tech and actually prosper after being leveled by an F4 or F5.
Sorry folks. I don't know why it irks me so.
10/30/12 11:36 a.m.
In reply to DrBoost:
When I went through Joplin this spring, it still looked like a 3/4 mile wide no-mans land between the north and south. They'll rebuild it all eventually, everything just takes awhile.