I had to nip over to the shops to get something for lunch and noticed a nicely modified VW bug in pulling out across the road. Red, lowered with the proper nose-down stance, Minilites with reasonably wide rubber, not offensively loud but it might just pack a little more punch than expected. Didn't get to see that, so it might be all standard but it looked like a subtle build - just enough of a hint that there might be more to it that you'd think there was.
Normally I'd expect to find a surfer couple in such a car, in their twenties, tanned and all that. The folks in the car looked more like they might remember the twenties
. OK, that's a little unfair but I'd guess they weren't too far away from their seventieth birthday and I wouldn't want to guess which side of seventy they were on. More power to them and I hope I'll still be sufficiently together then to drive around in a cool ride instead of a hearing aid beige minivan.
9/8/09 1:17 p.m.
I'll very likely be that dude in his 50's who is stepping out of his dumped '99 Civic. I'll look forward to the very reaction you had.
It's not going anywhere anytime soon and I'm not getting any younger...
I will be that in my 1st gen RX7. That car will never be sold so long as I am around.
I was in my TT/hill-climb CRX when I stopped for a cup of coffee at a Hardies while on my way to VIR... a middle aged woman and her son were looking my car over when I came out of the store, and they expressed amazement when they saw I wasn't a 16 yr old
(I'm 60)
9/8/09 8:03 p.m.
People's reactions are funny sometimes. Most people could accept the idea of me (age 66) driving around in some 60's era muscle car. But the fact that I drive a loud supercharged sport compact throws them for a loop.
But the best reactions were when I rode my dual-purpose motorcycle 200 miles to attend my 40th high school reunion