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Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 12:07 p.m.

Great, 2 zeroes and a hero. Lovely. Just what we need.

JohnGalt New Reader
1/28/09 12:49 p.m.
Salanis wrote: Even if Obama were to have the exact same ideas and plans as Carter, his administration would turn out very differently. Carter's biggest problem was that he pissed off the legislature. He treated them antagonistically and did his best to not be one of them. So the legislature did everything in their power to work against him. (Reagan was pretty much the opposite. Everyone loved him so much, that he could say even the craziest things and people would agree with him. "Let's send frickin' lazer beams into space!" "Yeah! Lazer beams! In space! That would be awesome!") Whether you agree with Obama's policies or not, he is a much better communicator than Carter, has a background of working as a legislator, congress views him as one of their own, and he seems to be making a lot of effort to reach out to congress and work with even the people he disagrees with. Unlike Carter, he will get things done. That might be really good. Or it might be really bad. I'll let other people fry those fish. But he will get things done. Heck, it's almost like we got Carter, Reagan, and Clinton rolled into one!

I don't see any Reagan.....

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 1:00 p.m.

^ So we're back to 2 zeroes.

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 1:01 p.m.

Oddly enough, this popped up on an Elantra forum:

I am publishing my own report today to state that Al Gore needs to go back to his huge Carbon-foot-print home, on his farm where they raised Tobacco(which is more evil then SUVs) and he can do it on his private jet, after he transports himself from the Capitol Hill >>Airport>>Airport>>mansion in his SUV with Secret Service following in their SUVs. He can go there with Kennedy who is for Green energy, but his policy is "NIMBY" for his mansion. Why? Because he is supposed to testify that the current economic crisis is an opportunity to spend money on a theory. But let's not bash solely on Gore here. I mean the guy has to earn a living, and what better way then off of your back? After all, he doesn't really have any skill, he can't hold a job at all. Just research him a little bit. Why did he enlist in the military...to keep his dad's opponents from getting any political capital on him (since Gore wanted to be a draft dodger and his dad voted for the war before he voted against it). Wait...didn't Kerry do that...and Clinton the second...Anyway, he worked for a total of about 3 years...because work wasn't for him, he kept enrolling in college and dropping out. Let's not forget that he was a journalist in the Army and saw no action....but hated enlisting "for his father" and hated it even more when his dad lost the next election. So, he worked for a paper for about 3 years and then ran for office on his dad's name. So he's qualified to talk at people. No more Gore. Let's talk about the new report from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It claims that CO2 gas will stay in the atmosphere for 1,000 years, even if all CO2 emissions stopped this year. OK, so make a point. Then it claims that CO2 is solely (or at least largely) responsible for Ocean temperature changes...which haven't occurred, and by this warming of Ocean water, the sea level will rise (up to) 1Meter more by the year 3000. Ok, so make a point. Now this wasn't in their report, but Global Warming people have had to change their tune to Global Climate Change, because they realized that Global Warming wasn't happening and they couldn't push their agenda if their umbrella was that small...interesting. So just remember that the current cold winter weather is proof of Global Warming's effect...er, um, Global Climate Change's effect. Still no point here. I can read a World History book and make that same prediction. It is utter non-sense that they blame all of this on CO2 emissions from the last 200 hundred years, when there is already more then 2000 years of history dis-proving everything they state. Let's do the math, 2000 - 200 = 1800. That's about 1800 years of no CO2 emissions from man and climate change was far more severe in the past 2000 years, then they predict it will be for the next 1000 years! But you know that in 1980 there was only 20 years left to do something about Global Cooling...um, I mean in 1990 there was only 10 years to do something about Global Warming...um, I mean in 2006 there is no time to act on Global Climate change. Way to go, it only took you 30 years to come up with a tag line and time line that will work for your agenda. Isn't GE the largest lobbyist in Washington? Wait, you mean General Electric, the company that sells all of those Energy star appliances, train locomotives, LED + CFL light bulbs, owns NBC which has Green Week (on all of their subsidiaries too and charges bigtime Ad $$s)...wow, I could've never guessed their was special interest buying power in the Democrat party...because that's what they tell us the Republicans do? Huh who knew. -------------------- Through the years of the Middle Age (Medieval period), the population of Europe was growing exponentially. Farms grew more crops then could be eaten and fishing was abundant. There was massive expansion and colonization of the world by Europe and the climate was just rosy (it's called the climatic optimum period for a reason). There were vineyards hundreds of miles north of where they can exist today. Iceland was colonized in the 800s and became a sovereign state. The Vikings were thriving on Greenland by the 900s. THE SEA LEVELS IN FLORIDA WERE .5 Meters HIGHER THROUGH THE YEAR 1000, THEN THEY ARE TODAY. By the 1200s Europe was in decline...what just 200 years? How? (interesting, is that why it is called the glaciation period) Vineyards failed in Germany and England (Vineyards in England...yes it's true, until about the 1300s...Germany too...where they are issuing warnings about body piercings freezing to your skin...yes indeed). Fishing waters were lost to Iceland and grains were introduced into diets... By the 1500s the Vikings were gone from Greenland and only natives remained (think Eskimo). By the 1500s, dairy and farming were at critically low levels and trading lanes with Europe where frozen shut...Black Death actually saved Europe because so many people died off from sickness, they didn't have to starve to death or be conscripted into a "resources-war". At the same time as Europe was freezing and shaping up to what we've known since our great-grand parents got off the boat, shaped the Pacific to what we know today. All of the freezing in Europe by advancing ice, caused the Pacific Ocean levels to drop. 0.5 Meters in a 200 year period. Next time you go to the beach...walk out to your Knees and look down. If you were in the Pacific holding your baby in the 1300s and then your baby returned as and adult with their baby...that same spot you were up to your knees was now dry beach! Why did you read all of this? Because 1500 years ago the Earth was much warmer and man flourished across the globe...if you were a polar bear, you weren't too happy. 1000 years ago, something didn't look right...your grape crop didn't do as well and your fishing ship returned 3/4 full. 800 years ago, your vineyard was dead, your fishing ship was ice locked in the bay, and if you were a polar bear you were popping out cubs. (if you were an Indian in Florida...you were pretty pissed that you only had 1/4 the land mass that your ancestors did) 500 years ago, Europe was not too happy, the Pacific islanders were thriving, the Pensacola's were loving all their new farm land, and the vikings were back to their little home land. 200 years ago, the industrial revolution begins and deforestation takes hold today, libs blame the previous 2000 years of climate history on 200 years of activity...then tell us that in 1000 years, things will return to what they were 1000 years ago...they just left out the part about it being the same as 1000 years ago (because that wouldn't push an agenda). Here is a breakdown of REAL climate evidence, not theories: 700-1200AD, Climatic Optimum period 1200-1460, Glaciation period 1460-1560, brief climatic improvement (temps went up, ice receded) 1560-1890, Little Ice Age, Medieval Ice Age (whatever you want to call it) 1890-2000, Climatic Optimum period 2000- , clearly we are not in an optimum...it may be getting warmer or cooler. The history shows cooling will be next and the Sun Spots back that up...so you decide. But at least learn both sides of the story first...especially when one is historical with no special interests, and one is theory based on "climate models" and someone's Billion dollar industry and PAC\re-election fund. Here is the most important part. Even if you think that Global Cooling\Warming\Climate Change is real and we are doing it. Ask yourself this. Does my 5 yr old son\daughter\nephew really deserve to pay off 100Billion in debt and interest payments on top of the 10 Trillion, just so that a car can cost 2x, a lightbulb costs 4x, and they can't get a job to pay for it all because those jobs are now in Argentina where there are no laws? I hope that my nephew can land a 1,000,000 per year salary to pay for his SS, Income, Medicare, Healthcare, and Carbon Taxes (we don't have the last 2 yet, but we will)...then be able to afford his $75,000 Hyundai Accent and his E-Star house that starts at $500k because the building materials are outrageously expensive... Really, even if man is causing it, this report states that it will be 1000 years before it would go away...so this report will get silenced. Since Global Cooling\Warming\Climate change has dropped to the lowest priority issue among Americans, telling them it will be 1000 years has undone their progress in the brain washing of the UN. Read: Climatic History of the Holocene

Found here: http://www.elantraclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22501&st=0&gopid=270834&#entry270834

Salanis SuperDork
1/28/09 1:06 p.m.
JohnGalt wrote: I don't see any Reagan.....

I meant that less in terms of his policy, and much more in his charisma and communication ability. Reagan was fantastically good at gaining popular support and getting people on his side. I think Obama will be very similar, in that respect.

I'm not touching the "good policy/bad policy" debate right now.

Jensenman SuperDork
1/28/09 1:08 p.m.

Yeah, we could use 'morning in America' again. Instead of a retread of Carter's 'national malaise'.

But here's the really bad thing: Obama hasn't been in office but what, eight days? and there are already complaints circulating (not just on this board either!) that he's not fixing anything. Fer Chrissakes, I didn't vote for the guy but I'm going to give him more than 8 days to show what he really plans to do. If he does good and fixes stuff, he will be on my good list. if he screws up, I'll bash him every bit as hard as the libbies bashed Bush but I won't stoop to personal attacks.

Strizzo Dork
1/28/09 1:13 p.m.

amazing what one can do with a little common sense!

Strizzo Dork
1/28/09 1:19 p.m.

i think he is making about as much progress as is to be expected, but some of the policies that he promised during his campaign are now being shown to be as impossible to implement as the meanie repubs said they would be(the tax credit for job creation in particular).

he's also getting some unexpected resistance from his own party in congress.

Salanis SuperDork
1/28/09 1:25 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: i think he is making about as much progress as is to be expected, but some of the policies that he promised during his campaign are now being shown to be as impossible to implement as the meanie repubs said they would be(the tax credit for job creation in particular). he's also getting some unexpected resistance from his own party in congress.

Resistance is to be expected. Each of those congress people has their own agenda. They're not going to give Obama what he wants unless he helps them get some of what they want.

Just because people are in the same political party, doesn't mean they all think the same.

Strizzo Dork
1/28/09 1:27 p.m.

well i think the expectation from a good bit of his supporters, and possibly they were led to believe this, is that all they had to do was elect him, and everyone would fall in behind and give him everything he wanted.

Jensenman SuperDork
1/28/09 1:46 p.m.

Which is the same thing expected of every President and every damn one of them could not deliver. Business as usual.

Salanis SuperDork
1/28/09 1:51 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: well i think the expectation from a good bit of his supporters, and possibly they were led to believe this, is that all they had to do was elect him, and everyone would fall in behind and give him everything he wanted.

Well, most people in this country don't actually know how laws are made. Most people think that almost everything is done by the president.

And no presidential candidate is going to stand up and act like they're not in charge. They all stand up and say what they will do... not what they hope to persuade congress is a good idea.

No one will get elected by saying, "I'm going to go to Washington where I'll politely suggest to congress some action that they would possibly be interested in, and I'm going to make a bunch of concessions on my less significant agenda items to persuade them that it's in their best interest to pass the couple of things I want the most."

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 2:11 p.m.

so how the hell did we get from the meat and taters of this topic to Obamessiah and his shenanigans again?

Jensenman SuperDork
1/28/09 2:32 p.m.

'Meat and taters.' Yet ANOTHER food reference. Y'all do realize I am a tight fit in the Abomination's seat already?

93celicaGT2 Reader
1/28/09 2:33 p.m.

Resistance is futile.

Jensenman SuperDork
1/28/09 2:35 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote: Speaking of carter. . . . does this new administration not seem a lot like it? Floundering economy, world depression, oil prices off the charts, people losing jobs left and right. . . The good news is that means we have another Reagan coming soon.

I'm a-thinkin' this is where it got derailed.

HeavyDuty New Reader
1/28/09 2:37 p.m.
Salanis wrote: Learn to swim. Mom's gonna fix it all soon. Mom's coming around to put it back the way it ought to be. Learn to swim. I'm praying for rain, and I'm praying for tidal waves. I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Mom, please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away.

What's up TOOL? That gets a large amount of burn on the play list. I'll meet you down at Arizona Bay.

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 2:41 p.m.
Jensenman wrote: 'Meat and taters.' Yet ANOTHER food reference. Y'all do realize I am a tight fit in the Abomination's seat already?

I didn't mention cheese. . . cause it's not that good of a thread. . .

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 2:42 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
Bobzilla wrote: Speaking of carter. . . . does this new administration not seem a lot like it? Floundering economy, world depression, oil prices off the charts, people losing jobs left and right. . . The good news is that means we have another Reagan coming soon.
I'm a-thinkin' this is where it got derailed.

Dang. . .Alzheimers starting so soon? At least I'll have a bunch of new friends soon.

93celicaGT2 Reader
1/28/09 2:55 p.m.

Ketchup is a vegetable.

Bobzilla Reader
1/28/09 2:57 p.m.

but it comes from a tomato which is a fruit.

ignorant SuperDork
1/28/09 3:07 p.m.
GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
1/28/09 3:11 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote: Speaking of carter. . . . does this new administration not seem a lot like it? Floundering economy, world depression, oil prices off the charts, people losing jobs left and right. . . The good news is that means we have another Reagan coming soon.

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