The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos Is Probably Superintelligent Robots
If and when we finally encounter aliens, they probably won’t look like little green men, or spiny insectoids. It’s likely they won’t be biological creatures at all, but rather, advanced robots that outstrip our intelligence in every conceivable way. While scores of philosophers, scientists and futurists have prophesied the rise of artificial intelligence and the impending singularity, most have restricted their predictions to Earth. Fewer thinkers—outside the realm of science fiction, that is—have considered the notion that artificial intelligence is already out there, and has been for eons.
12/22/14 10:18 a.m.
I just hope they look like this:

Instead of this:

12/22/14 10:31 a.m.
Weird thing about this is that a synthetic lifeform that doesn't need air, water or sunlight and it could be encrusted in the dust of the cosmos, either in an asteroid, a moon or our own earth.
More interesting is that such a creation may not really care about life, only existence, and therefore it just hunts the universe in search of specific materials, materials we may not even know exist.
If they have been endowed with similar reasoning and logic as ourselves, they may actually avoid lifeforms for fear of destruction.
We've been using robots for exploring other planets; it stands to reason that if aliens wanted to send something to our solar system, they'd send robots to do the job.
I suspect that Earth is pretty low on the planets rated lists.

This is how the other intelligent life in the universe probably views our species. 
I always figured that's what these really were really supposed to be:
This makes me wonder what happened to the organic creators? Did they get a plague and die or something much cooler?
This does make me think of the "V'ger" from the first star trek movie.

I figure the odds of a Von Neumann probe stopping by are a lot higher, if it hasn't happened already multiple times.
The synthetic Reapers are just waiting for us to discover the Prothean technology on Mars.
Sky_Render wrote:
The synthetic Reapers are just waiting for us to discover the Prothean technology on Mars.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! But we haven't found the Mass Effect Relays yet.