I have one mechanic I trust in this area. She took over the business from her dad and her dad had some COOL STUFF. Every time I take the truck in, I discover something new.
Like these fiberglass pans for a beetle. Not quite a Manx, but some beach buggy conversion body.

Or this 924/928. I couldn't get around to the back to see which one.

And this last one I'll let you guys guess. I happened to cheat and see the grille badge, plus my grandfather used to have one, but I want to see if you guys nail it in three seconds like you always do. It is missing a door handle, but it looks complete.

Porsche is a 924.
Is the old lumpy car (wife's term) a Nash?
In 1989 I traveled to see wife's family in Piedmont, 'Bama and I visited an import junkyard and was shocked at how nice the cars were. I've always wondered what's there today.
Old cars in weeds is cool.
12/15/20 8:03 p.m.
I'm thinking Hudson for the old one
12/15/20 8:03 p.m.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
Last one looks like a Hudson, but could also be a Plymouth.
[edit] I think wawazat has it.
wawazat said:
Is the old lumpy car (wife's term) a Nash?
Not a Nash. Correct family tree, but prior to being affiliated with Nash.
Sonic and Duke got the make. Bragging rights to someone who can get the model and year.
12/15/20 8:05 p.m.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
Kaiser? Doesn't look fancy enough to be a Packard.
No, you nailed it with Hudson.
Hudson, but not a Hornet. The third side window is close but the grill is wrong. Commodore?
DING DING. Hudson Commodore. Year will be hard to guess with all the weeds, but there are some clues if anyone can find them.
The thing that got me was the submodel. I'm no Hudson expert, but I knew of the Commodore 6 and 8 (named for straight 6 or straight 8), but this one had a side badge that said Commodore 67. Not familiar with that and google doesn't bring anything up.
The headlights from the 2nd gen dodge stealth next to the Porsche might fetch some coin if they're decent.
Edit: Possibly a 1st gen. Probably worth less.
is it a... 1949? google reverse image search automatically brings up "trees" lol
i'm running two screens (for work) which is why the screenshot looks funny

The 924 could be a turbo, but I'd have to see the nose/hood to be sure.
either way, any of those could be really interesting Challenge cars with lives that extend outside of the Challenge, if you were so inclined and he was a willing to let them go...
In reply to Stefan (Forum Supporter) :
Not a turbo. Wrong wheels and no rear spoiler.
I bet the Hudson is less complete than it looks....Any floor there?
Awesome stuff and cold enough to not be so worried about snakes
The Commodore is a 1950. The real indicator is the grille, but its so obscured by weeds and the chrome is rusty.
TurnerX19 said:
I bet the Hudson is less complete than it looks....Any floor there?
The floor I saw was still there and the seats hadn't dropped through. Upholstery was obviously rotted, but surprisingly intact without rips. All the dash pieces were there including the optional radio. Didn't pay attention to auto or manual. It had the column shifter so it could have been 3-on-the-tree, but they had also started using GM Hydramatics by that point as an option.
It also appeared as though the body was really straight and didn't have a lot of rot. Plenty of surface rust, but it looked more like something you would find in NM rather than PA. I told Katie "one of these days I'm going to offer your dad money for that Hudson" and she said "good luck, he won't even let me touch it." Some day I'll show up with a small wad of cash and take it home with me.
Same place I found this one back in August.

Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
Some day I'll show up with a small wad of cash and take it home with me.
Don't wait too long. Every year that goes by has that thing one year closer to going back into the earth.
Hudsons were cool cars. I don't know a ton about them though. I googled my way to the Commodore guess. Also, the Isbell song was stuck my head the rest of the day.
Family story Re Hudsons. One of my male great uncle type relations was a hard drinker living in North FL and owned a Hornet back when they were one of the faster things around. One night after one-too-many he hit a 20 ton steamroller parked on the shoulder. He was going fast enough at the time that it pushed the machine 18" - sideways. He kicked out the back window of the car, crawled out, and walked home.
Looks like Stampie's back yard.