9/3/12 8:52 p.m.
What kind of wax do you use? I've used Collinite 845 for the past forever because IMO, you can't beat the look. However, I come to the realization that I no longer drive a black, recently painted Mustang and now instead drive a sun cancerous VW Jetta. The Collinite looks great for a month or so but then fades off. Since I wash my car as much as I wax is (every 2-3 months) I would rather have something that offers more protection for longer periods . Some kind of synthetic wax perhaps?
Go the easy route. I use the spray on Turtle Wax ICE to keep it up. It doesn't take anytime at all since you can put it on hot or cold, sun or shade.
Wax it more often? 
Maybe try a sealant? I haven't used it myself (yet), but apparently the Wolfgang Deep Gloss 3.0 is excellent.
I use the Turtle Wax stuff you spray on a wet car then just towel it dry. It looks great. Then again... I've had the same bottle for about 5yrs because I almost never wash or wax my car by hand unless the new owner is coming to look at it. I just go to the Sheets and drive thru the wash.
the automatic car wash puts wax on my cars, whether i want it or not (i don't).
Whoa whoa whoa... Wait a minute...
You guys actually wash your cars?
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa... Wait a minute...
You guys actually wash your cars?
i wash the 54 MAYBE once a year to get the winter storage dust off it. i wash my trucks once a year in the spring to blast the salt off the undercarriage from winter.
i do wash the impala but do not wax. i'm too busy to wax i'd rather be driving it in my free time
I remember when my cars had paint, those were the good ol' days...
Nufinish has always done well for lasts a loooong time, which is good, because I wait a loooong time between waxes lol
How do you find the time to wash your car so often? If I get to it annually I am amazed.
Depends how rich I feel, cheap turtle wax or Mothers California Gold carnauba cleaner wax. Car usually gets washed at the drive through.
I run my truck through the Automatic once a week.
I hate driving a dirty car. But I am too lazy to wax it.
I try to wax it at least once a day. Oh, the cars? I only wax the truck and use a quick spray on. Usually gets dirty fast.
Hey here's a serious tip from when I used to take care of the paint I had: I used Turtle Wax and washed the cars with a carnauba wash & wax that would at least leave a thin layer of wax on when the washing was done.
Consider using a sealant, not a wax. Won't look as deep, but should last much longer.
I just started using Duragloss 105 cleaner/polish. It has a nice shine and good durability in my sunny ungaraged environment. Since the initial application, it's been at least six months and 2-3 washes and it still beads and shines well. I couldn't settle on which Collinite version I wanted so I tried the Duragloss. I absolutely frikkin detest swirl marks, so I don't be rubbing on the paint much.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa... Wait a minute...
You guys actually wash your cars?
I just don't care anymore about washing my cars. I am a racer, not a waxer. 
I use the laser wash in winter
I wax the Miata once or twice a month, alternating between Collinite 845 and whatever Carnuba I've got kicking around (currently Mothers Reflections).
C845 on the wheels monthly, Meguiars cleaner wax in the door jams usually at the same time.
Buff with M205 on LCC White pad on Makita 9227c every 2 months or so.
Wash weekly.
I use FlashWax, but i'm not sure if it would last 6 months.
And that said, i'm bad about washing cars. I've washed the MX6 once ever. (And it made it look bad, so i don't wash it anymore) Washed the Miata once. (It's due.) Washed the jeep for the first time since i bought it last month.