Where else can you find such deals on 1971 Hondka or a 1959 Trimpuph?
Where else can you find such deals on 1971 Hondka or a 1959 Trimpuph?
Well, considering 1 VAGUELY resembles a motorcycle built by a company called Honda, and the other looks somewhat like a Triumph.....can you fault the guy for not wanting to be brought up on charges of "false advertising"?
I wonder if the same guy would accept MONOPOLY money for either bike, since that game cash VAGUELY resembles real world currency?
OK this one is just weird.
Oddly specific terms for a very crappy item.
Craigslist wacko said: New Pittsburgh Tools SAE hex key set on a ring. By accepting this low cost item, you certify that you will show up to pick it up at the time and date you agree to, and you will not attempt to re-sell, donate (and claim tax credit), or otherwise profit from this item. You may take it for use personally or professionally. When responding, you must include a statement that you agree to these terms. Replies that do not state agreement will be deleted. I do not check e-mail on a regular or timely basis. If I have found that more than one person has responded to this request when I check my e-mail, I will randomly select the first person to be offered the item. If that person fails to collect the item when he/she indicated they would, it will automatically be offered to the next randomly selected person in the queue. I will not return phone calls outside the local Eugene/Springfield calling area.![]()
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