Two years ago my Niece got fed up with her mother and moved in with us. Poor girl had almost nothing in the way of an education due to all the bed hopping my sister did all over the country, and was pumped full of prescription drugs for questionable mental ailments that never added up. She just turned 20, completely clean of any medical issues, and working hard to get her GED so she can actually start her life. She has a great Boy Friend and has finally shown an interest in getting her license.
Now she wants my Abarth.
I am so proud of her, she has grown a lot in the past two years, learned a lot, and really come into her own. Yes, she still mostly stays in her bedroom with the door closed, but she comes out in the evenings to talk and learn. Even though her real parents live not far away (they divorced when she was three) they have little to do with her and vice versa and I was always her "Second Dad". I can't complain about her at all, but she is not getting my Abarth.