In am trying to repair my antenna mast on my 92 benzo I discovered 2 things. 1st off, this antenna is more complex than 3 cars I've owned. The second thing is the mast isn't the only issue, there's a belt that runs from the motor to the gears. It's a small belt (1.5" across when it's relaxed and maybe 3/8" wide) and it's toothed. It looks like something you'd fine in a kids robotix set or something like that. Where do you think I could find one? I haven't been to radio shack because it seems like when you ask for something other than a 9V battery or a crappy remote controlled hover craft they look at you like you are speaking Urdu.
I'd rather not go mail order since this is the kind of thing you want to match up.
And no, I don't want to try a rubber band. Since this thing is toothed I think a rubber band will slip.
I typed toothed belts into Mcmaster and got this. A bit more searching might do a bit better:
DrBoost wrote:
I haven't been to radio shack because it seems like when you ask for something other than a 9V battery or a crappy remote controlled hover craft they look like you are speaking Urdu.
Can this please make it to the magazine? I have never seen eloquence put forth so bluntly!
Gilmer Belt? Otherwise try a hobby shop. They use a toothed belt in some RC cars.
gates industrial power transmission may have it.
Record turntables or 8-track players.
neon4891 wrote:
vacume belt?
That's what I was thinking too. An appliance repair shop will probably have something that will work.
Here's a pic. I would have hotlinked it sooner but I have been getting death threats.
Here it is with a bottle cap for scale
BTW, that's the BESTEST root beer I have EVAR had.
I'm not thinking a vacuum repair shop because it's soo small but an R/C shop is a real possibility. Are tape players toothed belts?
Is it the one attached to the mast? If so Mercedes used to sell just the mast with belt attached as a replacement part. If it is the round cross section belt with teeth on one side made from a whitish plastic I may have one in my stash.
You need to make sure there are no broken pieces still inside the motor/ gear box housing.
Apcray.You posted with a pic while I was answering. I think I have a few old gear boxes around. Got a picture of it?
Well, this is not my antenna but it's close.
On mine, when you pop the cover off there is a motor that is perpendicular to the mast. The belt runs from the motor to the larger gear below it. If you need me to, I'll remove the antenna again and get pics.
Pic doesnt show on my puter.
Theres the pic. Sorry, never seen that one before. Hope I didnt get your hopes up.
shoot me your e-mail and I'll shoot you a pic. In the mean time, see if this link works
Appleseed wrote:
Hobby shop. Seriously.
Yeah, that's where I'm going today.
I might have one from an old copier that would work. What's the total length of the belt?
Sewing machine repair shop. Seriously, I used to get all kinds of little belts from them.
Pete, it's 4 and 13/16" long.
Tommy, I'll try a sewing machine shop as well, thanks.
DrBoost wrote:
Here's a pic. I would have hotlinked it sooner but I have been getting death threats.
Here it is with a bottle cap for scale
BTW, that's the BESTEST root beer I have EVAR had.
I'm not thinking a vacuum repair shop because it's soo small but an R/C shop is a real possibility. Are tape players toothed belts?
only partially unrelated, and hotlinked with pride:

not root beer, but still ZOMGFERTEHWINNZORSy0
If the hobby shop doesn't have what you need, try Reid Tool Supply. They call them timing belts.

The pic is hotlinked from their site.
4cylndrfury wrote:
only partially unrelated, and hotlinked with pride:
not root beer, but still ZOMGFERTEHWINNZORSy0
boylan uses cane sugar and is an independent. YaaaaaaY
IBC is owned by DR Pepper Snapple and uses High Fructose Corn Syrup.. Booooo!
ignorant wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
only partially unrelated, and hotlinked with pride:
not root beer, but still ZOMGFERTEHWINNZORSy0
boylan uses cane sugar and is an independent. YaaaaaaY
IBC is owned by DR Pepper Snapple and uses High Fructose Corn Syrup.. Booooo!
Ignorant, you must be slipping.......we agree on something