3/14/18 9:52 a.m.
My vintage electric coffee percolator has entered retirement:

It is older than me, but it deserves a break from daily use. So now I'm looking for a new coffee maker. I already have French presses, drip coffee makers, and even an espresso maker. I want another percolator. I have been reading through Amazon reviews and it seems like every 12 cup unit is crap (or craps out within a few months).
So of course I'm asking my car guy peeps what experience they have with newer percolators. I don't want a stove top unit, it has to be an electric unit. I don't want to scrounge Goodwill either. I want to click a button and have it delivered to my house.
3/14/18 10:01 a.m.
What pushed it into retirement? The electric portion or the aluminum bits on the inside?
At our cabin we have a stovetop percolator and we've been using it for a long time and probably bought it from a Goodwill!
Bodum has one and they're equipment is typically very good (Really spendy though). I've had one of their electric pour-over ones without the hot plate and magic vacuum carafe for a number of years now and it makes a damn good cup of coffee.
Are the reviews bad because of the quality of the machine or because of the quality of the coffee?
What is unique about a percolator is that it runs the dark water through the grounds a couple of time. Most all coffee is no longer served this way. In a typical drip machine, the white water passes through the grounds once and becomes dark water.
3/14/18 10:12 a.m.
RossD said:
What pushed it into retirement? The electric portion or the aluminum bits on the inside?
At our cabin we have a stovetop percolator and we've been using it for a long time and probably bought it from a Goodwill!
The thermostat seems to have given up. It doesn't shut off and the element gets WAY too hot, turning the water into steam rather than circulating it into the basket. If you don't unplug it the coffee will just boil out and then it starts scorching itself. I put a new cord on it a few years ago but it has zapped me a few times anyway. My wife has also started drinking coffee, making its meager 5-cup capacity unworkable for a caffeine addict like myself. I think it is trying to tell me that a couple thousand mornings of making coffee has earned it a rest. It actually outlived its previous owner, as I got it from an estate sale.
I looked mine up, it is a West Bend Flav-O-Matic. Lo and behold the company is still in business:
Reviews seem decent and the $40 price is reasonable.
I pulled the trigger on the updated model, it should be here Friday. I'll give it a review after I use it a few days.
3/14/18 10:12 a.m.
I would be tempted by the aluminum ones for a stove top. Coleman being an option.
3/14/18 10:14 a.m.
John Welsh said:
Are the reviews bad because of the quality of the machine or because of the quality of the coffee?
What is unique about a percolator is that it runs the dark water through the grounds a couple of time. Most all coffee is no longer served this way. In a typical drip machine, the white water passes through the grounds once and becomes dark water.
Both. Some machines don't perc long enough so the coffee is weak. Some machines break after just a few months.
I LOVE percolated coffee. The only thing that comes close is my French press. Drip coffee just isn't the same to me.
Please update this thread where you can as my pot is also on the way out, it was my grandfathers, built in 1979.
3/14/18 11:30 a.m.
I've become a coffee "snob" of sorts over the last few years. Percolating is about the worst way to make coffee. But damn if I don't love it--and I can't figure out why. I know immediately if coffee was made in a percolator. I think it was something about growing up with one.
my mom has a sunbeam that has lasted for a while, but she gets them at estate sales.
3/14/18 12:50 p.m.
mtn said:
I've become a coffee "snob" of sorts over the last few years. Percolating is about the worst way to make coffee. But damn if I don't love it--and I can't figure out why. I know immediately if coffee was made in a percolator. I think it was something about growing up with one.
my mom has a sunbeam that has lasted for a while, but she gets them at estate sales.
For me it is having the coffee absolutely piping hot any time I walk over for a warmup. The drip machine just keeps it warm, but not hot.
I also wring every last bit of caffeine from my grounds. For example, I brew five cups. Once I drink down four cups, I unplug the percolator and pour four more cups of cold water in through the spout (using a funnel). I let the percolator cool some, then plug it back in. It re-percs and I end up with a weaker brew that is perfect for the afternoon. I only go through three tablespoons of coffee grounds per day, but I get nine cups of coffee out of it.
Your coffee sounds so .. well, I try to be kind. I’ll just say that does not sound like coffee I would enjoy.
3/14/18 2:38 p.m.
dculberson said:
Your coffee sounds so .. well, I try to be kind. I’ll just say that does not sound like coffee I would enjoy.
I don't drink it as strong as I used to now that I work for myself out of my house. When I worked in a huge high stress office I drank it damn near Turkish style. My blood pressure is much better than it has been in years and I've found the right mix of caffeine I need to operate.
But yeah, you'd probably hate my coffee.
3/20/18 8:30 a.m.
Alright, the new coffee maker had its maiden voyage this morning. Overall impression: not bad.
It doesn't have the same flavor (I used the same fresh ground beans) but then again it doesn't have 40 years of seasoning. For those of you who know Atlanta, it is like eating at the Varsity downtown versus the one off Jimmy Carter. Sure it is the same recipe and same ingredients, but the decades of seasoning on the grille makes a difference.
So far I'm happy with it. Coffee was piping hot and is staying that way after an hour. I was disappointed that the dome topper is plastic, but it seems fair stout.
My sunbeam works great but it's a Party Size at 32 cups. go to Wal mart and buy Some Cafe Bustelo coffee. It's Ground for espresso but I make it like Regular .You may get some grounds in there if the Basket has Larger holes so a Paper Filter may help. I make a 10 Cup Pot and use about 8-9 Scoops w/ the small scooper Your needs may Vary. Least Expensive coffee and Great Taste. 3 bucks a bag.
3/20/18 10:26 a.m.
I have also come to the conclusion that I drink WAY more coffee than I realized. This pot has a sight glass on the side. I've already had 8 cups of coffee in three hours. I used however much coffee grounds it says stamped on the metal basket, so it isn't weak. I've already hammered out two articles and a video transcript.

6/13/18 4:01 p.m.
The coffee pot is now well seasoned and going strong. I finally figured out my ratios and stopped wasting grounds and coffee. Looks like we drink 8 cups a day between my wife and I (7 cups for me, 1 for her). I'm more than happy with my purchase and would recommend it to anyone who wants an old school coffee maker.
6/13/18 9:18 p.m.
So which one did you end up with?
6/14/18 8:12 a.m.
RossD said:
So which one did you end up with?
This one:

West Bend 54159 Classic Stainless Steel Electric Coffee Percolator. And now my wife says I drink stronger coffee, so I guess it fixed me.