6/28/10 10:09 a.m.
Well, the garden's getting swinging after a slow start. (We transplanted literally the day before a little heat wave, and the plants were not happy for a while.) And who do you guess started coming around after a long absence? Yep, our friendly neighborhood rabbit. Between it/them and the squirrels, I think I have a turf war brewing. I intend to leap into the arms race headlong, strike first and strike swiftly. And, this way I can get some protein from the garden, too. (I fully intend to eat what I kill. Well, the dog might get fed the squirrel meat - not sure I want to eat city squirrels.)
In the interest of discretion, I think I'd like a decent air rifle with optics. I really want this to be a one-shot-one-kill rig, because the idea of cute widdle wabbits squirming paralyzed after a slight miss does not make me hungry. It makes me sad.
My bedroom porch would be my first choice of sniper's perch for tactical garden defense; good sight lines into the garden, and what I assume is a workable distance - about 50'-75'.
I haven't even shot a pellet/bb gun since my old spring-action Daisy, so I need some direction here, in terms of the rifle and (especially) the optics.
I have this... Sheridan .20 cal. quiet, fast, deadly.
and yes, I have a scope on mine.

6/28/10 10:45 a.m.
Even the cheap ones these days will send a 1000fps pellet into a halfinch circle at that range all day long. I liked my Sheridan, you can't go wrong with Gamo or Beeman or pretty much anything else in the ol' Cabela's catalog...
I have a Gamo shadow (I think that's the model, 1000fps, .177cal). It's fairly accurate, but I wouldn't get it again. Instead Gamo has a model, CFX, with a cocking lever, not the usual break barrel. That means it should be more repeatable. The other one I've been drooling at is the Benjamin Discovery. Wicked accurate at a decent range (>1in groupings, 50 yds) , pretty quiet, bolt action, several shots between pumping. It's a bit on the pricey side though.
A long barrel 22 rifle with CB Long ammo is quieter than an air rifle and packs a lot more punch. Them pesky squirrels won't know what hit them. However, if you want an air rifle, I bought one recently from Sportsman's Guide for a bill. It is branded as a "Ruger" but the only thing Ruger on it I can see is the label. Says 1000 FPS, but I doubt it. Air rifle manufacturers get real creative with their velocity ratings and most speed you see will have been only achieved with trick pellets and some Dieseling action. This one came with a nice 4X scope too at that price. I mean, you'd spend $30 on just that scope any time else. The rifle itself is a Chinese made copy of a German RWS break barrel rifle. I did a trigger job on it and used the drawings/directions for the German trigger, as it was identical. I also replaced the scope with a cheap old K-Mart scope I had laying around because I use the rifle on my indoor rifle range (AKA: The Kitchen) and at 22 ft, the paralax was excessive. Anyway, for a hundred bucks, it is hard to go wrong on that one.
6/28/10 11:14 a.m.
Paging through the Cabela's catalog now, in fact. Is it me, or is the concept of a tactical air rifle kind of hilarious? I like the laser, scope, flashlight and bipod for keeping wabbits out of the 'maters.
Like the Techguy, I have a Benjamin Sheridan as well, though mine is a .177.
It's one of the most accurate short range plinkers I own. Very effective on pests and very nicely made.
But I'd love to find an old wood stocked Crossman 760, just for fun.
I have an old wood stocked Crosman 760. I got it for my birthday 42 years ago. I need to rebuild the air stuff, but I musta put a million BB's through it, easy.
Dr. Hess wrote:
A long barrel 22 rifle with CB Long ammo is quieter than an air rifle and packs a lot more punch.
There is no way the 22 is quieter than the air rifle! I have both and I tend to open the windows and shoot from inside the house at the turtles so I don't scare the neighbors. It does tend to startle our dogs tho.
Come over to the house and I'll demonstrate. Notice I said long barrel and CB Long ammo. It is certainly quieter than my new Chinese 1000 (right) FPS 177 brake barrel.
I haven't a clue what CB long ammo is but I use Long rifle and shorts in my long barreled 22 with a sight and it's a hell of a lot louder than my air rifle.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. You problem is that you do not have a clue what CB Long ammo is. Go to wally world or a gun store if WW is out of stock and buy a box for a whopping five bucks and try it out in your rifle with the longest barrel you have, then tell me, as at that time you will have a clue.
6/28/10 1:11 p.m.
CB= very low noise subsonic heavy bullet, ideal for urban tactical varminting. Indeed quieter than most air guns.
That "Ruger" is now $90:
or $81 if you're in "the club." I think that's a good deal.
Dr. Hess wrote:
That "Ruger" is now $90:
or $81 if you're in "the club." I think that's a good deal.
That's a smokin' deal...
... as long as you don't live in CA; CT; DE; IL; MI; New York City; NJ; D.C.; MA; Canada or Puerto Rico.
Maybe you didn't hear about the Supreme Court ruling today, Woody.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Maybe you didn't hear about the Supreme Court ruling today, Woody.
I must have missed it when I was down in the bunker loading ammo.
Jay_W wrote:
CB= very low noise subsonic heavy bullet, ideal for urban tactical varminting. Indeed quieter than most air guns.
Thank you Jay since Dr. Hess was refusing to answer. I'll go try a box.
Jay_W wrote:
CB= very low noise subsonic heavy bullet, ideal for urban tactical varminting. Indeed quieter than most air guns.
what the hell is tactical varminting?
The word tactical is getting damn played out..
I think my dad would call "urban tactical varminting".. "shooting them berkeleyers in garden"....
sorry.. Rant over.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Maybe you didn't hear about the Supreme Court ruling today, Woody.
I'm going to doubt that ruling will have much effect..
They'll just require a liscense that costs $60,000 per year and tax bullets/ammo etc.. into the stone ages..
Waddayamean "refusing to answer"? I did answer. I told you to go buy a box. You just pullin' my chain or am I not communicating here?
Woody wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
That "Ruger" is now $90:
or $81 if you're in "the club." I think that's a good deal.
That's a smokin' deal...
... as long as you don't live in CA; CT; DE; IL; MI; New York City; NJ; D.C.; MA; Canada or Puerto Rico.
umm thats a shipping thing. You can own them. Go to Cabelas in East Hartford, they are everywhere..
The problem Dr. Hess is that, as far as I know, you cannot discharge a firearm in most city limits. That's why I'm looking for an air rifle. Even IF it is quieter the pigs won't care.