For my 30th birthday this year my wife suggested we do a cross country motorcycle trip. After taking two myself and sharing with her all my adventures and excitement I feel as though she thought it would be fun to do a big trip like this together. Awesome. We blocked out time from the end of August to the beginning of September similar to the duration of my other trips. (also what work would allow)
The plan from the rip was to take a motorcycle. I had sold my FZ1 to purchase a larger and more tour minded bike and things were going well. We sat on a few and got a short list together. (FJR1300, Vstar1300, Concours, etc) All came with luggage/ panniers/ sidecases and although small combined with a top case and careful planning we thought it would be doable. We would not stay at hotels, instead we would "camp" and couch surf with some friends. Camping meant essentially we were just gonna KOA or campsite in a tent or possibly hammocks.
And here is where we started talking to family and friends about the trip and things started going south...
Many suggested that comfort would be an issues and that my wife would be miserable for that many miles (last trip was 8500? or was it 6500 miles). People said no way was there enough room for all the gear needed (even at the bare bones we were planning on) How were you going to camp?
If we had a friend to stay at every night then we could forgo camping gear totally but not sure that will pan out. ADVRider has their member run camp sites so that helps but still requires gear. We cant budget hotels. Air BnB is an option that might work assuming you can keep nightly lodging under$30 a night?
In short, a ton of issues were brought up and it got to the point where the two of us were starting to rethink the plans.
However, this was an epic birthday trip and I always wanted to take my wife on a bike trip like this before we start a family and have those responsibilities. Its different and more exciting on a motorcycle.
So we spent a few days brain storming...
Options were reduced to these:
1) Take the bike, have a hell of a trip and have stories for a lifetime (I am partial to this but I understand the concerns of others)
2) Instead of buying a motorcycle, spend the allotted motorcycle money on a NA/NB Miata and do the same trip with camping but in a convertible instead of a motorcycle.
3) Take the CRV that we already own and take the trip in that. Its reliable and set to go and we have a soft spot for DD beater car trips as well (We had the Saturn SL2 "JellyBean" for 327,000 miles of adventures) Camp and do the trip just like option 1 and 2 but if weather gets bad we can camp in the CRV (I will pull out the rear seats and there is plenty of room in a pinch)
Each one has pro and con lists rolling on an on in my head. Some are more practical, some are more epic and adventurous. Full disclosure here, my wife is amazing and up for anything and a really good sport for darn near anything, however, the longest day trip we took was max about 135 miles on the FZ1. That is not a comfy bike for the passenger. And I understand that if we do this trip we are entering some bit of unknown for long distance comfort. She said she is up for it.
I am not looking for a 100% answer here but maybe some thoughts/input/ brainstorming to help make a good choice.
Thank you all.