My church does a big chili cooking competition every year. The last two years it has been won by subpar entries that had really ridiculous names. The one that comes to mind was " hickory smoked bacon and slow roasted pork chili" it was over the top (both in name and flavor) it was watery. It was bad. But it won the judges somehow.
I want to troll the competition this year by making a super pompous name for my chili and see what happens.
The plan right now is to either do a super standard chili but with top quality ingredients or to do a Mexican spiced chili.
Go ahead and throw out some ridiculous names for those entries for me.
1/10/18 1:01 p.m.
"Pope approved Chili"
"Spicier than the Virgin Mary" Chili"
"Jesus cooked this Chili" Chili.
"Hotter than Hell" Chili
*I'm not the most churchy of people, I mean nothing but humor with these. 
In reply to RossD :
I'm pretty sure the Good Lord appreciates a good joke. Just look around.
"I Cant Believe it's Just Chili"
1/10/18 1:10 p.m.
"The winning chili recipe"
"Make Chili great again"
"The secret ingredient is Chili"
"The secret ingredient is illegal in four states"
"Wink if you want the special chili"
1/10/18 1:11 p.m.
Nebuchadnezzar's Furnace Flamin' Hot Chili
Moses' Night Light Chili - Like eating a pillar of fire
Try using the actual varietal names for the chiles involved, and a fancy name for the meat. "Arbol, Cascabel, and Ancho Chiles with Artisan-ground Angus"
or, for fun:
"Forgive Me My Capsaicin"
"Darn the Tomatillos - Full Heat Ahead Chili"
When my company did a chili contest, my attempt included an SDS (Safety Data Sheet), and specific warnings for women, children, and Yankees. I tied for second, losing to one that sounded like the one the OP mentioned.
These are all super-bullE36 M3ty but still accurate descriptions of a "normal" chili:
Slow simmered sirloin (chuck, whatever) with sweet bell and smoke-dried jalapeno peppers (the latter are just chipotles, so likely accurate)
Traditional guisar style with slow-simmered beef and a classic sofrito
Classic chili using locally sourced beef and market-fresh produce
"your name"'s chili! "Put my meat in your mouth!"
Arrogant bastard chili "Don't bother, you won't like it"
I am loving all of these! Keep em coming.
I also have access to ground deer meat if you can think of some to go with that.
For the GRMers in the crowd:
"Now that's berkeleyin chili!"
Martin Luther's 95 Ingredients
1/10/18 1:38 p.m.
Legion's High Dive Pork Chili
Upper Room Flaming Head Chili
Dancing Tongue Chili
Cleansing Fire
Brimstone Bouillabaisse (I know, no fish in it, but couldn't pass up the alliteration)
Fire in the Belly
Holy Cow (assuming beef)
Assorted Free Range Cow Meat and Gathered/Curated Herbs and Spices
Chili that is streets ahead Chili
Still trying to make streets ahead a thing Chili
You'll touch yourself after eating my Chili Chili
Your priest won't touch you after this Chili
Thumper's Revenge (for chili with Deer meat) Chili
This chili is good enough for Jehovah aka Chili that's good enough to be stoned to death for
I am not the Messiah, just a naughty boy Chili
Blessed are the Cheese makers (or any manufacturers of dairy products) Chili
I'd of eaten that, if I wasn't listening to Big Nose Chili
This Chili will make you change your name to Biggus Dickus
1/10/18 1:45 p.m.
Tongues of Fire
A2:3 (Biblical reference - Acts 2:3)
1/10/18 1:50 p.m.
Israelite's Poison (assuming pork)
Might want to add in the words:
- Artisan
- Crafted
- Small batch
- Local
- Organic
- locally sourced
- etc
Hand of God Chili
Hell Hath No Furry
3 types of beans for a Trinity reference
For the aviators: "AB Zone 5 Chili", "Shock Diamonds Chili"
For the gutless, "This Ain't Chihuahua Chow Chili" (Taco Bell dog ads)
For the clueless, "My Pretty Floral Bonnet Chili" (active ingredient: Scotch Bonnets)
Trumpet Ass Chili
Free Range Artisanal Chili (gluten free!)
Dumb and Dumber Toilet Session Chili
1/10/18 1:56 p.m.
Dear meat:
Ground up Bambi
Buck You
Rudolph's Revenge
Panteth for Water (Ps 42:1)
1/10/18 1:57 p.m.
"This chili won't win because it's good chili with a bad name and not the other way around."