6/6/15 10:21 a.m.
A coworker has a 2002 Tahoe with 250k miles, 5.3l fully loaded, one owner (his father) with a bit of rot on the rockers. I have a Snap-On Master series 54" tool box that I have no real need for, he wants to trade the truck, plus 700$ on his end for the box, I paid about 4000$ for the box 5 years ago, but I do not turn wrenches anymore, and I could use a winter car. the box holds all my tools, in my grandparents garage, and I havent even opened it in over a year.
what do you think? I assume the truck is around a 1500$to 2000$ truck
Not having much knowledge on either, my gut instinct is you're getting the short end of the deal by +/- a grand.
Yeah I'm not sure what they actually sell for but judging by the asking prices on cl they hold their value rediculously well. Also how bad is the rust
It sounds pretty much right on the money.
Round these parts a used clean 54-56" snappy cab goes for 2500-2800.
I would say value side you are getting a little shorted, but if you don't need the box and you need the truck, it's a good trade.
There are two value propositions. 1 what each is worth to the open market and 2 what each are worth to you. Seems you found a positive #2
250k and Massachusetts rocker rust would kill the deal for me.
I'd do it, it's an even trade both ways. You want x vehicle, he wants your box and has some cash to sweeten the deal.
I hate dealing with rust so I would pass.
Rust would be of concern to me. Do the Tahoes brake lines rust like the pickups of that era?
why is everyone so scared of a little rocker panel rust? that truck could have a decade of usefulness left it it yet even if the rockers totally fall off..
In reply to novaderrik:
It's not the rocker rust, it's the unknown rust.
I agree the rocker rust isn't much of a concern - and I know Chevy's can loose their rockers and still be pretty clean underneath...or not.
My 01 2500hd doesn't have rockers and is pretty well spotless everywhere else. Sidesteps....
I am not sure this is a good deal, check it out.
1) A nice box like that would bring about $3K (around here)
2) What will you put your tools in after the box is gone?
3) How much will it cost to get the truck through inspection (if you have any)
4) How much are you willing to put into the truck over the next five years?
The overall downfall of this deal is you have a (paid off) tool box that even in a professional shop will last 25 years or more and if used in a "weekend warrior" shop will last a life time, or trade it away for truck nearing the end of it's life in another 3 to 5 years with rust issues.
I would just buy the truck out right and keep the tool box.
Paul B
Remember, even if the truck rots away, you'll still have a 5.3, trans and rear end for a bitchin' swap.
IMHO berkley that deal, that truck sounds like $1000 to me
99% of the time, the one proposing the deal is seriously screwing the guy hes trying to deal with. why can't he just sell the truck and buy a taco wagon? cause the truck aint worth enough to get a box. the fact that hes throwing cash in suggests the truck needs help, and he's trying to pay $700 for clean karma.
Put the truck on a lift and scour every inch of it for rust before you agree to anything.
The $700 should get you a big enough harbor freight tool box to hold everything. So now you will have a box and a truck. To me it would almost feel like the tahoe was free. I say go for it.
6/9/15 4:15 p.m.
Sorry I have not been on here in a few days, family things you know? So I had the Cornwell tool guy offer me 2000$ cash on the spot for the box. he says after he sells the one on his truck he will buy mine, I gave the truck a good look over and I think its a pass. One rocker is about 80% gone, the other about 50%, that doesnt bother me, but what does is the dog legs have holes in the door jams, and the quarters behind the rear tires have big holes too.