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BoostedBrandon Dork
11/21/12 6:45 p.m.

It appears I'm behind in my metal. I know that there's several metalheads here, and I've already discovered some really good bands thanks to Pandora, but I realized the other day that I'm very out of touch when it comes to my music.

For example, I missed not one, but two Mastodon albums. I discovered Throwdown's deathless by accident. I listen to a lot of rock radio, so I catch the mainstream stuff but it's just not heavy enough.

Any suggestions? I'm not very picky, I just want stuff that makes you feel as though you could rip something apart. I just love it when I hear a song for the first time and I catch a really heavy riff and say "damn, that was heavy!" and rewind it to hear it again.

I know GRM won't let me down.

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
11/21/12 7:29 p.m.

Silverfleet could help you out a bit more here, but I like pretty much anything that comes out of the Springfield, Mass area scene. Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, All That Remains. That stuff is a little more "metalcore," but it seems like every single band from that area is darn solid. I'll also throw out a good word for DevlDriver, headed by Dez Fafara, formerly of Coal Chamber. Some folks can take or leave his vocals, but the music is downright nasty. Sort of a blend of hardcore, math metal and death metal.


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/21/12 8:27 p.m.

I'm old school--way more into thrash and crossover metal like D.R.I., Death Angel, Testament, Anthrax, Suicidal Tendencies, S.O.D., early Metallica, etc. (Hey, my roots are in punk.)

In heavy rotation this week:

D.R.I.: 4 of a Kind

Death Angel: The Art of Dying

Testament: Dark Roots of Earth

I admit that I can be picky when it comes to metal vocalists, though. I saw DevilDriver with J.G. I loved the music, but the vocals didn't do much for me. Hate to say it, but Lamb of God is in the same camp for me. I can't do Cookie Monster metal, either.

If you're looking for a band that's off the radar, check out Bonded By Blood and Potential Threat. I saw both open for Death Angel--good, old school thrash.

corytate Dork
11/21/12 8:29 p.m.

Stick to your guns is good metalcore/hardcore
motionless in white is pretty heavy most of the time, their new album has a lot of marilyn manson and nine inch nails style, first real album (creatures) is pretty heavy
after the burial is a good twin cities area metal band, very talented guitarists
between the buried and me is probably my favorite metal band right now, very progressive/technical, they just released a concept ep followed by the concept album. All their albums are solid gold, and they can do no wrong in my book.
I don't really like anything else The Devil Wears Prada has put out, but they have a really cool ep about the zombie apocalypse that I actually like
If you want something very demonic and dramatic, Behemoth.
If you want some really weird stuff full of nintendo noises and strange goings-on, HORSE the band has several good cd's and ep's
they even have an ep dedicated to Pizza, with a TMNT theme song cover=]

corytate Dork
11/21/12 8:30 p.m.

oh, and Lamb of god's new album is awesome.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/21/12 8:36 p.m.

Oh, and a PS: Check out some Anthrax from the John Bush era: Sound of White Noise, We've Come for You All, Greater of Two Evils, etc.

I know it's heresy, but I really think his voice went better with Anthrax's sound. It's just a meaner, darker sound than Joey's but doesn't get all Cookie Monstery. Quick samples: http://youtu.be/UdBwavGTsBw or http://youtu.be/vNNJoLXHTXE

BoostedBrandon Dork
11/21/12 8:42 p.m.

I've got we've come for you all, great stuff. Being introduced to metal around 2000, the John Bush era Anthrax I actually knew first.

I've heard a lot about Between The Buried and Me, now I'll have to check them out.

As soon as I can turn off Mastodon's Crack The Skye.

MA$$hole Reader
11/21/12 8:42 p.m.

Hop on lastfm, it will offer more variety than Pandora. Look myself (ms3mx5) or Silverfleet up on there we can recommended you whatever you can imagine, it really depends on what styles your into. Pick a sub-genre & one of us can recommended something.

And while they are on the verge of metal I highly recommend checking out Deftones new album.

Grizz SuperDork
11/21/12 8:50 p.m.

Exactly how heavy are we talking good sir? Cause if I put up my idea of heavy E36 M3 you might disagree.

I can pull bands out of my ass all day though.

Off the top of my head(Zune), awesome albums from 2012

The Faceless Autotheism

Testament: Dark Roots of the Earth

Kreator: Phantom Antichrist

Dew-Scented: Icarus

High on Fire: De Vermis Mysteriis

Between The Buried and Me: Parallax 2: Electric Boogaloo

Meshuggah: Koloss

Gojira: L'Enfant De Sauvage

Cannibal Corpse: Torture

Overkill: The Electric Age

Grand Magus: The Hunt

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
11/21/12 9:21 p.m.

Wow. That Rings of Saturn stuff is nuts. Sort of bridges the gap between those crazy noise acts like Lightning Bolt and Merzbow and cookie monster metal.

I was raised on a steady diet of industrial and electronic stuff, so my metal tastes tended to gravitate towards bands who either grew from that scene, or who developed some of their sounds with help and collaborations with that scene. When you grow up listening to Skinny Puppy and Ministry and Front Line Assembly and KFMDM and 16 Volt it's pretty easy to discover Nailbomb and Sepultura and Fear Factory and, well, Ministry again.

I guess my takeaway message is it's cool how even 20 years ago you could discover new music through following threads in what you were listening to already. It's even easier today. Heck, most of the bands you're already listening to probably have several side projects attached to them that could be revealed in one Wikipedia search.


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/21/12 9:25 p.m.

Yeah, what JG said. It's also cool how people with similar interests (cars) can also be into the same kind of music.

And Brandon, I saw Anthrax on the We've Come for Your All tour. It was awesome.

Grizz SuperDork
11/21/12 9:30 p.m.

In reply to JG Pasterjak:

I got into metal with Thrash. First albums I ever bought were The Sound of White Noise and Rust In Peace. But holy crap did my tastes change when I got the internet, I went from hating death metal and the cookie monster stuff to loving the E36 M3 out of it, I thought black was a joke(Thanks Immortal!) until I found Emperor and a bunch of other bands for everything else. It's the only genre I can think of where I have stuff from all over the world.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/21/12 9:44 p.m.

I started with punk. I still remember bringing home Suicidal Tendencies's debut album when it was new. I guess I was 13 or so at the time. That and bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Agent Orange, Dead Milkmen, etc., provided my high school soundtrack--surf/skate punk, I guess. Basically, anything featured in Thrasher or Repo Man.

In college I expanded into Maiden, Priest and thrash. That's when Suicidal started going more metal, so it was a natural fit. Plus we had a killer local Athens music scene. I don't even know what to call it--post punk? power trios? This was pre-Nirvana Nevermind, so pop music was still glam, Madonna, etc. Sample: http://youtu.be/XEGiWEBEB3o

Today, it's still pretty much those camps plus a ton of jazz--hard bop, bebop, etc. Oh, and lots and lots of Ramones. It is funny that I still regularly listen to albums I originally purchased nearly 30 years ago.

JThw8 PowerDork
11/21/12 9:53 p.m.

For something a little different I'll toss in a plug for Subrosa (http://subrosausa.bandcamp.com/) just because my little cousin is the lead singer. If you want an all girl metal band with violins (I said it was different) it's worth a listen.

DoctorBlade SuperDork
11/21/12 10:10 p.m.

I like metal/hard rock, but I don't know anything obscure enough to help. If you like Iron Maiden, look up Sabaton. They cover a lot of the same ground.

Grizz SuperDork
11/21/12 10:15 p.m.
DoctorBlade wrote: I like metal/hard rock, but I don't know anything obscure enough to help. If you like Iron Maiden, look up Sabaton. They cover a lot of the same ground.

Hey, that's actually a decent idea. Throw up a band you like and have others toss out more in the genre.

corytate Dork
11/21/12 10:45 p.m.

I think this thread needs video recommendations to save OP from searching.
I'll start with two that I think exemplify two bands I recommended:
this is THE song off of the new BTBAM album. it is amazing. It covers almost their entire catalog of style, and it gets HEAVY. listen to it in a car with decent bass and the bass drop at 7:20 will blow your mind.

this is one of my favorite After the Burial songs, the two most recent albums are great.

Grizz SuperDork
11/21/12 10:53 p.m.

Speaking of heavy,

Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=julR_kcb08Q

Here's a good band people always forget about: Prong, they have a new album, groovy as E36 M3, every bit as good as cleansing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-27g2cau0k

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/21/12 10:59 p.m.

Good call on Prong.

DoctorBlade SuperDork
11/21/12 11:30 p.m.
novaderrik UltraDork
11/22/12 7:04 a.m.

Dethklok is pretty cool.. for a cartoon band.. and i've noticed lately that more bands with their kind of sound are appearing on the hard rock radio stations- Brendan Small's little inside joke of a 15 minute cartoon series is affecting pop culture..

every time i hear the new Avenged Sevenfold song on the radio, i think it's a new Iron Maiden song for a few seconds.

the singer in 5 finger death punch does a damn good S.O.D. era Billy Milano impersonation from time to time.. and that's good- the world needs more Billy Milano tributes..

MA$$hole Reader
11/22/12 8:47 a.m.

Seems a lot of good mention of thrash here. While I'll admit it's not my favorite style but if I'm listening to thrash it's often the old school bands already mentioned. I will mention 2 great new thrash bands though. Warbringer - young band out of Cali who wear their influences on their sleeves very well. They are a great live band too. Saw them a few times, once opening for Exodus & Kreator & they put on a better set than Exodus.

Another is a band from the UK called Evile. Very reminiscent of early Metallica (Cliff-tallica). Sadly it took the unexpected death of their bassist to get them in the radar. Before his untimely death they recorded a cover of Pantera's Cemetery Gates. Check out their 2nd album Infected Nations.

And the idea of name a band recommend a similar band sounds cool.

logdog GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/22/12 9:36 a.m.

3 Inches of Blood have been getting heavy rotation since I bought their new album. I first heard this song on Liquid Metal a few months ago.


Im not really into higher range vocals but I dig the band

Luke UberDork
11/22/12 11:19 a.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: Plus we had a killer local Athens music scene. I don't even know what to call it--post punk? power trios? This was pre-Nirvana Nevermind, so pop music was still glam, Madonna, etc. Sample: http://youtu.be/XEGiWEBEB3o

Love that Roosevelt track, David.

BoostedBrandon Dork
11/22/12 12:04 p.m.

Lately I've been really into Mastodon, but I can never turn off the old favorites like Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden. Much of it depends on my mood.

Since Throwdown changed to a more groove metal, I absolutely can't get enough. Venom and Tears was good, but Deathless was astounding IMO. It's like Pantera 2.0

I've also discovered this awesome band called The Sword. I really love the riffs and just the rough edge feel to it all.

I've liked Avenged Sevenfold since their self titled album, I wasn't crazy about the guitar tone on City of Evil, but since they've cleaned it up I really like it. Also, Mike Portnoy.

Another band that I liked, but has since fallen off was Bury Your Dead, the Myke Terry era. The band kinda left their hardcore roots and went to a more metalcore sound, with solos even! When Mat came back they went back to their old sound, and I think some of the lineup has changed , but man that self titled album was pure gold.

I've got the first Dethalbum and I was impressed with how well a bunch of cartoon characters could play instruments. The other day I hopped on my wife's iTunes and saw there was a Dethalbum III, I didn't even know there was a second! I've missed so much of the show, but I guess you can't watch late night cartoons with a kiddo around.

I discovered Machine Head's newest stuff on Guitar Hero Metallica I think when my brother in law was playing a song. That band has also really turned around since 2000.

Good suggestions so far guys.

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