I just played Bee and pollinated my wife's lime tree. Now I need a smoke & a nap.
The dumb thing always blooms while the tree is inside before it gets warm enough at night to take it outside and leave it for the summer.
By the time we move it outside there are plenty of bees but no flowers. Last year I took a small paint brush and did a couple and we had limes.
This year I did a whole bunch.
That could be a crime in certain southern states.
Those will become the best margaritas that you have ever tasted.
So in other words, you pretended to be a lady today (all worker bees are female) LOL 
It works (but you already knew that). It's the only way we ever got our jalapeno plants to produce.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
So in other words, you pretended to be a lady today (all worker bees are female) LOL
Well you already have video that proves I've dressed up as a lady at least once, much to my shame.
And I didn't know that. I thought all the worker bees were male.
I did that with my tomato plants a couple years ago. Seem to work too.
My tomato plants & jalapenos seem to do all right without me. And the Basil just goes berserk.
The whole time I was doing it I was picturing a sax solo in the background and a half empty glass of whiskey on the nightstand. I felt so dirty.
3/11/13 10:49 p.m.
Pics, or it didn't happen 
Lesley wrote:
Pics, or it didn't happen
I don't think they'll let me post those kinds of pics here. It's a family friendly forum.
I was expecting this Bee:

Gasoline wrote:
I was expecting this Bee:
Now that would bee just plain silly.
OK, i'm going to show my lack of agri-knowledge here. where do you get lime pollen?
From the same tree, just touch all of the flower parts to other flower parts. It's pretty kinky stuff.
AngryCorvair wrote:
OK, i'm going to show my lack of agri-knowledge here. where do you get lime pollen?
I'm not so sure he can answer that question on a family-friendly forum.
Sooooo, what kinda pr0n was necessary to, er, 'set the mood'? 
Some soft sax (sex) music in the background and a little whiskey poured into the soil.
The tree's really perked up since our little pollination exercise. Looks almost like it has a smile on it's face.
Did anyone else read the first post and not think there was a tree involved?

It works better with two plum trees
ya gotta mix things up so it doesn't get boring you know.
Apexcarver wrote:
Did anyone else read the first post and not think there was a tree involved?
You think I'd post on here every time I pollinated my wife's lime tree? Or did you think it's been so long that I just had to brag?
If it were for real, pretty soon I'd be the top poster. My post count would really soar. Or is it that I'd be really sore? 
Sorry, couldn't resist.
aussiesmg wrote:
It works better with two plum trees
ya gotta mix things up so it doesn't get boring you know.
How the hell do you get limes by using two plum trees? 
EastCoastMojo wrote:
How the hell do you get limes by using two plum trees?
Or would it be Lums?
Tangerines & Plums give you TUMS?