I sit here this morning trying to not think about going to school here shortly when my Blackberry chimes that I have an email. I check it its a notification that my password has just been changed on my old Yahoo account, I don't use the account much anymore mostly get on messenger once a month or so. But I've had the account for 10 years or so. A second later I get a message the password reminder was changed.
I hit the site and send in a compromised password notice which automatically sends an email for resetting the password to my primary account. I change the password and reminders twice. No more notices someone is doing stuff to that account and I still have full control.
About 10 minutes later I get an email on a third account that someone is trying to change the password on my primary however I have it set to only allow change through a third email address.
I swear someone is wanting access to that old account really bad for some reason.
I guess they didn't count on someone using different passwords for you know...EVERYTHING. Oh and using a never ending string of accounts as verification. I do admit the password used on that account was left as fairly simple because well I hardly ever use it so I kept it easy to remember oh well.
Fun times let me tell you. Some people just try and try but don't get anywhere I suppose. Funny thing is there were no emails in that account, no personal info at all.