When you are asleep, you brain can focus on one problem to conclusion without the distractions associated with being awake and aware of your surroundings.
My stress dreams are usually multiple tornadoes at once, usually on the horizon but way too often right on top of me, and floods. That and not remembering my locker combo at school.
Lucid dreaming is awesome! And completely normal, especially for coders and creatives deeply immersed in a project. As a composer of computer music, I've regularly solved both compositional and computer code problems that way, though mine are usually abstracted in my dreams. Rather than literally figuring out a code problem, I might dream of something like building a bridge between clowns, or directing midgets how to walk down a sidewalk, etc. Still, I usually wake up with a functional idea and maybe even some actual code syntax to use and it almost always works. I often purposely send myself to sleep while thinking about the problem and tell myself consciously to think about it while dreaming.
darkbuddha wrote:
Still, I usually wake up with a functional idea...I often purposely send myself to sleep while thinking about the problem and tell myself consciously to think about it while dreaming.
Same here, WRT fabricating bits of my datsun replica. I'll often think, "How the heck can I make that", fall asleep pondering it, and wake up with an answer.
4cylndrfury wrote:
Im an analyst at a fairly data-centric manufacturer. Ive been spending a lot of time building an excel based tool that is designed to pull data in from several MS Queries, and format the resulting information to run a lot of IF statements in Excel that will churn the raw data into finished manufacturing specs...its a very in depth tool that has taken me a few weeks to get to where I am, and earlier this week I kind of stalled, not really sure how to proceed because the conditions of part of this data didnt fit right, and was going to take some clever work to get around. It had been driving me nuts!
Last night, I dreamt in VBA and Excel code... I dreamt I had come up with the solution.
The code I dreamt works
am I losing it? (well, is it more lost than it was before?)
In Engineering school I dreamed in
Bode plots
Linear algebra...
So yes, yes you are, welcome