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BoostedBrandon HalfDork
5/30/12 9:48 p.m.

[rant] I really am starting to hate everyone. From the dumbass kids in their turned up diesels blowing smoke on everyone, to the asshat Harley guys who BRAAAP rev up their bikes BRAAAP for no reason at all BRAAAP.

I think retail has ruined me for life. I see everyone, and am almost automatically disliking them, until they prove me otherwise. Radio has gone to E36 M3, nobody makes good movies anymore, and the TV is just about as bad.

If I had a garage to go tinker in and think I'm working, I'd probably be able to blow off some steam. There's really no point to this, I just wanted to vent. Thanks for listening. [/rant]

hotrodlarry HalfDork
5/30/12 9:51 p.m.

Funny..I feel the same way. Must be that time of the year

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/30/12 9:56 p.m.
BoostedBrandon wrote: the asshat Harley guys who BRAAAP rev up their bikes BRAAAP for no reason at all BRAAAP.

Had one of those go by the other day.. waking me out of a dead sleep at 3am

Don;t worry.. if you think you hate everyone now.. wait till you get older

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/30/12 9:57 p.m.
BoostedBrandon wrote:

"what the berkeley are you looking at?"

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UberDork
5/30/12 9:58 p.m.

Had a kid revvvv revvv revvvv revvv his eclipse as he parked at Advance while I was trying to leave after talking to a friend. My Escort didn't sound like bumblebees fornicating, so I think I won. So did everyone else. No better way to make the douche look like a fool. I don't think he stuck around after all the employees outside laughed at his dumb ass. The wasted gas on my part was worth it. Have some fun with the dumb ones at their expense. You'll learn to appreciate their part in our society.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
5/30/12 10:01 p.m.

I just assumed the guys had poorly tuned bikes.

Poor guy can't even get it to idle without throttle input.


T.J. PowerDork
5/30/12 10:12 p.m.

Welcome to the club.

fast_eddie_72 SuperDork
5/30/12 10:12 p.m.

I went "there" when I was about 25. Turning 45 this year and finally starting to claw my way out of it.

Let it go. It's not worth it. Way to hard to hate everyone that much. Let them be/do what they want.

Pete240Z UltraDork
5/30/12 10:15 p.m.

In reply to BoostedBrandon:

How old are you? My wife likes to remind me how crabby I've gotten recently.

Where's that "get my lawn" clip?

DoctorBlade SuperDork
5/30/12 10:17 p.m.

I keep warning my wife that if it's up to me the planet is doomed.

BoostedBrandon HalfDork
5/30/12 10:21 p.m.

In reply to fast_eddie_72

See that sorta makes since, being as I'll be 25 here in a few months. I think this was really set in motion last week when I saw an old classmate come in the store. You've all been there, they're boasting about their job and success and it reminds you of what you've accomplished. In some ways, the lack of what you've accomplished.

I've been graduated for 6 years now, and he was talking about how he had been on the golf course all day. I said "Yeah, hate that you have to work so hard" just kidding around and all, and he replies with "Yeah, I got ten weeks of vacation, I gotta do something with it."

I had to sit and think. What the hell kind of job gives you ten weeks of vacation? Then he tells me he's teaching at the high school, US History. Always my favorite subject. Here I am working at a parts store.

Then I'm reminded that I'm not in near as much debt as he is, and then I feel much better.

fast_eddie_72 SuperDork
5/30/12 10:30 p.m.

Dood. I'll take the parts store gig over teaching high school any day. But I'm weird. My wife's a teacher. Trust me, he ain't gettin' rich.

Yeah, really, it is all about coming to terms with what is and accepting and appreciating it. If you're interested let me know and I'll PM you some info about a book that is pretty cool and helps me see things "right". Works really well when I remember to do it.

It's something of a cliché in certain circles, but it's true: It's easy to be mindful, what's difficult is remembering to be mindful. I forget about as often as I remember - evidence my posts on here. About half the time I get sucked into the nonsense in the "off topic" forum. Other half of the time I remember that my opinion will sound exactly as stupid as everyone else's.

z31maniac UberDork
5/30/12 10:41 p.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: I went "there" when I was about 25. Turning 45 this year and finally starting to claw my way out of it. Let it go. It's not worth it. Way to hard to hate everyone that much. Let them be/do what they want.

30 now, have hated everyone for a good 15 years, I've always been an old soul.

I don't find it takes much energy, as their is no need for discretion.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
5/30/12 10:56 p.m.
Lesley UberDork
5/30/12 11:00 p.m.

No quicker way to make yourself unhappy than by comparing with someone else. Everybody's got their E36 M3, I think I'll stick with my own.

Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/30/12 11:11 p.m.


Streetwiseguy SuperDork
5/30/12 11:11 p.m.
z31maniac wrote: 30 now, have hated everyone for a good 15 years, I've always been an old soul.

Thats not an old soul, thats childish. Not everyone grows out of the solemn knowledge that they are correct, everyone else is a moron, and nobody is worth learning from.

The older I get, the less I know.

Anti-stance HalfDork
5/30/12 11:21 p.m.

I am at that get off my lawn point in my life. I hate people until they give me a reason to like them.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/30/12 11:38 p.m.

I will admit I am a bit short tempered recently... but I generally do not hate everyone.. just those few that keep getting on my nerves

Cole_Trickle Reader
5/30/12 11:50 p.m.

I actually have to tell people to get off my lawn. Im not 30 yet.

z31maniac UberDork
5/30/12 11:59 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
z31maniac wrote: 30 now, have hated everyone for a good 15 years, I've always been an old soul.
Thats not an old soul, thats childish. Not everyone grows out of the solemn knowledge that they are correct, everyone else is a moron, and nobody is worth learning from. The older I get, the less I know.

Maybe hate is the wrong word, possibly indignant indifference?

ransom GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/31/12 12:51 a.m.

I just saw the thread title and wondered whether you'd checked with Curmudgeon. Or whether he had followers...

Now, where was I? Oh yeah: GET OFF MY LAWN!

Grizz Dork
5/31/12 1:13 a.m.

I've hated the folks you mentioned in the OP for all my life. Having a house on the top of a steep(not really, but you couldn't tell from the way people went up it) hill meant I had to listen to 8 trillion rpm all the time.

People in general have always annoyed me, and I consider most suspect until proven otherwise. It's probably not the best way to go through life, but then again I don't have to tell anyone to get off my lawn, because they don't come here in the first place.

novaderrik SuperDork
5/31/12 2:09 a.m.

i've reached the point where teenagers freak me out- especially when they are in a large group. and the haircuts- wtf is it that teenage boys want to look like Justin Bieber when Justin Bieber doesn't even look like Justin Bieber any more?

and why do i know who Justin Bieber is?

and yeah, the Harley fags annoy the hell outta me.. i'm only 37 and a half. i'm too young to be this damn old...

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/31/12 6:25 a.m.
Grizz wrote: Having a house on the top of a steep(not really, but you couldn't tell from the way people went up it) hill meant I had to listen to 8 trillion rpm all the time.

I live on the inside of a bend (not a curve, not a corner, a bend) and when people clear it.. the real asshats get on the gas to reaccelerate. The trouble is.. the road is 25mph.. but I am the only person who does that speed.. the rest do twice that

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