Mrs. poop says I "expect too much from people." All I expect is a little common goddamned courtesy. Acting like you've got the damned sense you were born with gets bonus points.
(To the OP:) I think about it too; how much of my day I spend railing about someone doing some dumb E36 M3. But you know what? That's me. And I enjoy going off on a good tyrade at least once a day. Generally speaking, it's never aimed at anyone directly, though I do reserve the right to attempt to make someone look like the idiot I feel he/she is, often without their realizing it. All these things amuse me, which keeps me happy.
People like Lewis Black and Dennis Leary have made a career out of it. I could be all concerned about how pissed off I get when someone passes me then slows down, or says "I gotta have it tomorrow!!!" then shows up to pick it up a month later, or any one of another billion little things that drive me insane. Or I could just have fun being me, which is what I try to do at all times.
poopshovel wrote:
Mrs. poop says I "expect too much from people." All I expect is a little common goddamned courtesy. Acting like you've got the damned sense you were born with gets bonus points.
It just seems more and more people are becoming inconsiderate. I try to leave as little of a negative impact on people as I can. Not trying to be invisible, I am still very courteous and hold doors open for people, let people over when driving, not make a scene when something doesn't go my way, and not be completely berkeleying oblivious to other people. There isn't exactly the same mentality of other people that I run into out in town. Maybe its an issue with Atlanta, maybe its the south, maybe I really do expect too much out of people. Either way, I am done with living the southern city life, I've given her all I got. Time to move on/away.
5/31/12 4:20 p.m.
BoostedBrandon wrote:
I've been graduated
not many on this or any other board I visit that realize that we are graduated not that we graduate ....
you are a credit to your education young man 
Curmudgeon wrote:
Remember your friends. Most people can count their TRUE friends on the fingers of one hand.
And GTFO my lawn, dammit.
I hate this about my generation. "Well, I have 500 friends on facebook" and "Oh, I've known so and so forever" blah blah blah.
And then the person does something completely douchebagish and they act all shocked and I go "Well, their not your REAL friends, they are merely acquaintances".
Some people get "it", some people do not. Those that do are my friends, the others are just people.
Anti-stance wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Mrs. poop says I "expect too much from people." All I expect is a little common goddamned courtesy. Acting like you've got the damned sense you were born with gets bonus points.
It just seems more and more people are becoming inconsiderate. I try to leave as little of a negative impact on people as I can. Not trying to be invisible, I am still very courteous and hold doors open for people, let people over when driving, not make a scene when something doesn't go my way, and not be completely berkeleying oblivious to other people. There isn't exactly the same mentality of other people that I run into out in town. Maybe its an issue with Atlanta, maybe its the south, maybe I really do expect too much out of people. Either way, I am done with living the southern city life, I've given her all I got. Time to move on/away.
QFT.25 years ago people had a much better attitude toward those who serve them. Now it's 'you work for me, berkeleyhead, and don't you forget it. Either kiss my butt and throw in a little tongue or I'll tell on you.' In traffic, being courteous gets you a finger. If the cashier is loaded and there's eight people in line, invariably some shiny happy person at the end of the line starts hollering at her. As if it's her fault all these people showed up at the same time. Y'all think it's bad with 6.7 billion on the planet, wait till it hits 20 billion or so. 
HiTempguy wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote:
Remember your friends. Most people can count their TRUE friends on the fingers of one hand.
And GTFO my lawn, dammit.
I hate this about my generation. "Well, I have 500 friends on facebook" and "Oh, I've known so and so forever" blah blah blah.
And then the person does something completely douchebagish and they act all shocked and I go "Well, their not your REAL friends, they are merely acquaintances".
Some people get "it", some people do not. Those that do are my friends, the others are just people.
Amen to this. If you wouldn't call them at 3am to come get you off the side of the road and have them actually show up, they aren't your friend. I've got 5.
Friends are the family you choose. Choose wisely.
As far as the idiots, I tend to assume the worst of people right off the bat. A lot of them confirm the worst as soon as they open their mouths.
Large crowds, fugetaboutit. The ones that really drive me batty are the people that stop in the doorway, exiting a building, to talk. Hey shiny happy person, you mind letting the rest of us out. Concerts and school events are the worst.
The older I get the less I let it bother me. Used to be the shiny happy people in crowds I'd just walk into. Now I just feel sorry for them. Being so oblivious to the world around them means they are missing most of what's best about this world. I will give them a rather pointed "Excuse Me", they usually get the point.
To to OP, fighting on FB is a lose, lose proposition. My Son's in-laws do it all the time. Nothing gets resolved and the hate and discontent just grows. That in it self is a great reason to not use it.
Toyman01 wrote:
Large crowds, fugetaboutit. The ones that really drive me batty are the people that stop in the doorway, exiting a building, to talk. Hey shiny happy person, you mind letting the rest of us out. Concerts and school events are the worst.
The older I get the less I let it bother me. Used to be the shiny happy people in crowds I'd just walk into. Now I just feel sorry for them. Being so oblivious to the world around them means they are missing most of what's best about this world. I will give them a rather pointed "Excuse Me", they usually get the point.
This is the kind of oblivion that I am talking about. "Ah, glad I am out of the door, let me stop right here and dig in my purse or hop on the phone. berkeley everyone else behind me."
Since we are going into specific situations that make me hate the general public on a daily basis. How about when you are driving through a parkinglot and some shiny happy person is walking down the center of the row. Not with their back facing you, but walking looking at you and slowing down in the process.
Add the exponent of a cell phone to any situation stated here or that you can think of and it turns people into useless zombies. A cell phone doesn't make you invisible, there is still an active world around you.
Toyman01 wrote:
Large crowds, fugetaboutit. The ones that really drive me batty are the people that stop in the doorway, exiting a building, to talk. Hey shiny happy person, you mind letting the rest of us out. Concerts and school events are the worst.
To this I'll add when Shanequia is on her cell phone fighting with her baby daddy at full volume while standing at the checkout. There's something about cell phones that make the obliviots (oblivious idiots) of the world even less considerate of those around them.
Toyman01 wrote:
To to OP, fighting on FB is a lose, lose proposition. My Son's in-laws do it all the time. Nothing gets resolved and the hate and discontent just grows. That in it self is a great reason to not use it.
Fighting on the Internet is stupid anyway. FB has its uses, but too many people make it their life and expose far too much. I have an account (which I check maybe every six months) and it occasionally suggests old HS acquaintances. I have learned WAY too much about them. 
Anti-stance wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Mrs. poop says I "expect too much from people." All I expect is a little common goddamned courtesy. Acting like you've got the damned sense you were born with gets bonus points.
It just seems more and more people are becoming inconsiderate. I try to leave as little of a negative impact on people as I can. Not trying to be invisible, I am still very courteous and hold doors open for people, let people over when driving, not make a scene when something doesn't go my way, and not be completely berkeleying oblivious to other people. There isn't exactly the same mentality of other people that I run into out in town. Maybe its an issue with Atlanta, maybe its the south, maybe I really do expect too much out of people. Either way, I am done with living the southern city life, I've given her all I got. Time to move on/away.
Dog, drive twenty minutes north and have a beer with me some time. Obviously, it isn't perfect, but whenever I get close to the city - even as far out as woodstock - it reminds me how exponentially better it is in the real sticks. For real though, shoot me a PM and we'll have beers/cocktails. Yer in hong country bwaaah. 
Who said anything about Facebook? I don't have one, mostly for this exact reason. I can live my life without updating everyone constantly about my whereabouts, what I had for lunch, or the fact that I'm having a SUPER DAY!!
I saw my old classmate at my store, this was a face to face convo. It was very civil, and he wasn't puffing out his chest or anything, but you could tell he was happy with what he was doing. I think that's what I'm most envious of.
My wife and I have been married for two years in September, and she's in very much the same boat as I am, not a college education between us.
It's supposed to be nice saturday, I think I'll work on my shed.
New Reader
5/31/12 10:05 p.m.
Amen to this. If you wouldn't call them at 3am to come get you off the side of the road and have them actually show up, they aren't your friend. I've got 5.
It is truly an honor to recieve these phone calls. The times in my life I have responded to these are some of the best. Besides making me feel good being the 'go to' person, it also feels good to know I wasn't the poor sap who needed the help.
GTFOML! I wanna get that vanity plate.