For some reason when I found this site I thought of you guys.
If he's not a member he should be.
"Aliens are living creatures who are subject to the physical laws of the universe. They are technically and mentally very advanced, but still have limitations of their actions and performance as all living things do. They have incredible technology and knowledge of mind functions, but they are not "super creatures" with unlimited power. Their world is very different than our human world. Never expect them to behave just as you think humans would behave.
These directions are compiled from twelve years of experience of working with abductees wearing thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions."
Alien Abduction Guy said:
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only two failures have been reported since 1998.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but: if 2 out of the 117 people who actually purchased your looney hats were abducted, then you are waaaaaay above average in the national "Alien Abductions Per Capita" ratio.
6/23/11 10:15 p.m.
Just because you're paranoid does not mean they're not out to get you!!!!! Hell, I think an abduction would be fun. I need more grand adventures.
Maybe way above the REPORTED abductions but many more don't report their abductions because of the fear or being ridiculed or ostracized.
carguy123 wrote:
Maybe way above the REPORTED abductions but many more don't report their abductions because of the fear or being ridiculed or ostracized.
That is true, but I for one would never ridicule or ostracize a victim of alien abduction. 

I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords...
I wanna know who decided aluminum foil would be mind-ray resistant, I mean, that stuff won't even survive the microwave!!!
6/23/11 11:56 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Maybe way above the REPORTED abductions but many more don't report their abductions because of the fear or being ridiculed or ostracized.
That's part of our plan, earthling..........
I'm just in it for the probes.

6/24/11 1:12 a.m.

"I have been abducted by aliens for years"
In my version of his website, this lady gives detailed accounts of her probing experiences. The whole page would read kinda like a weird, intergalactic 'Dear Penthouse...'
Psh..... I want to get picked up by Aliens! Please! Poke me, take a sample, whatever; just let me stroll through the engine room!
914Driver wrote:
Psh..... I want to get picked up by Aliens! Please! Poke me, take a sample, whatever; just let me stroll through the engine room!
Seriously! I have this Ion-Drive I picked up in a Nevada scrap yard and I want to drop it into a Miata but I can;t get it running.
fasted58 wrote:
This guy is sterile right now. The radiation being emitted by the alien pseudo car has rendered him impotent.
carguy123 wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
This guy is sterile right now. The radiation being emitted by the alien pseudo car has rendered him impotent.
His acting career has been non-productive for sure! At least his brother kicked ass before he went nuts.
Luke wrote:
In my version of his website, this lady gives detailed accounts of her probing experiences. The whole page would read kinda like a weird, intergalactic 'Dear Penthouse...'
Soooo wrong... but soooo right lol!
fasted58 wrote:
"Miller, did you do a lot of acid back in the hippie days?"
I love that film. Often describe it as the "Easy Rider" of my generation.
I work with a guy like that.. you cannot have a normal conversation with him.. he immediatly launches into his latest conspiracy.
the worst part is.. he is a school teacher