You know, random lists of pictures from spammy sites that have no real reason to exist other than to host stolen materials. But some of these are darn funny.
And as a guy who is a pretty good page and longfrom layout artist, I'll also admit that logos are not my strong suit. Sure I'll nail one every so often (like the current Grassroots and Classic logos, and a few others), but it's not something I do enough work with to have much feel for. I do think that I could do a little better than most of these, however:
12 unfortunate logos
And more for good measure.
fun stuff... I sometimes wonder if they were actually done on purpose and snuck by the boss
8/9/10 7:05 a.m.
I still can's pass by an Apria Healthcare truck without seeing somebody breaking wind while doing jumping jacks.
Right in the middle of all of them there was an ad for an online video game. I read that ad three or four times trying to figure out what was supposed to be funny about it before I realized it was just a google ad. I need more coffee or something.
Duke wrote:
I still can's pass by an Apria Healthcare truck without seeing somebody breaking wind while doing jumping jacks.
LOL, they were my competition back in a previous life... I never saw that before... I will now forever more