The video is in german unfortunately. Anybody have any first-hand experience with Bose suspension?
I heard Bose worked on that program for like 34years and it was like a 4000$ extra, I think they finally gave up on it.
I wonder if I can get that on my LS400. It would come in handy trying to get our of my driveway. Especially after that last ice storm. I could just jump over the trees. Or maybe I need the Mach V's saw blades.
Just pick up a copy of Lowrider magazine.
They've been bunnyhopping cars and trucks for years!
From wiki.
[edit]Automotive suspension system Another area of research and development at Bose Corporation is two-state, non-linear power processing and conditioning. Several early patents were awarded to Amar Bose and other Bose engineers and this technology is one of the key elements in an innovative project that the company disclosed in 2004 after more than 20 years of research,[30] an automobile suspension system that uses electromagnetic principles instead of the hydraulics that are common today. This system uses electromagnetic linear motors to raise or lower the wheels of an automobile in response to un-even bumps or potholes on the road.[31] The wheels are raised when approaching a bump, or extended into a pothole, within milliseconds, thus keeping the vehicle steady. This technology is another application of Bose's active noise reduction technology for speakers and earphones. The unevenness of the road is sensed, and processed much like a sound wave. A cancelling wave is generated, which is applied to the wheels through the linear motors.[17] Amar Bose expects the system to be available commercially on high-end luxury cars by 2009.[32] In a French interview Bose even shows off the car jumping over an obstacle.[33] Bose says that the system is "high cost" and heavy, even after nearly three decades, and $100 million, of development[34]. [edit]Commercial Systems
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