I'm not going to comment either way on the movies message as I'm sure that will get heated quick, but jeez what a turd of a movie. Most of the acting was painful. The dialog was laughable, and the only thing I thought was redeeming is that Taylor shilling isn't terrible to look at. Except for her creepy red heads of death.
So it came out just like Ayn Rand's writing then. I don't think there are any fans of her writing, only her ideology.
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Xceler8x wrote:
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Why exactly do her ideas suck? Can you quantify your remarks? Maybe make a list of her exactly what her views are and tell us why exactly they suck.
3/23/12 11:42 a.m.
ThePhranc wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Why exactly do her ideas suck? Can you quantify your remarks? Maybe make a list of her exactly what her views are and tell us why exactly they suck.
Everybody says she's a fascist because she doesn't have any sympathy for people who don't want to work hard and be happy. Oh, well.
I don't find her writing particularly terrible, either, though I have to say her love scenes are... odd, at best.
That being said, I'm avoiding the movie like the plague. It's probably better than the Gary Cooper The Fountainhead, but not much.
ThePhranc wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Why exactly do her ideas suck? Can you quantify your remarks? Maybe make a list of her exactly what her views are and tell us why exactly they suck.
Oooohhhh... inviting the flounder. Sweet. I don't really care for her writing but this guy really isn't a fan of her at all:
The only thing I'll grant her stated philosophy that man should allow logic and reason to be his only guide is a good idea. I don't think that was her idea in the first place. Her conclusions were not logical or reasonable.
I read Atlas Shrugged a few months back and enjoyed 9/10ths of it. Shame about the movie.
I've never read her books and I'm not even sure what her views are but liberals tell me everything about her is bad but never has any one of them answered my question honestly.
Nothing on her ideology but her writing sucks big ass donkey balls. I read that book to apply for a scholarship and hated every second of it.
yeah i have to agree the acting was painful to watch, it was like a middle school play. At least there was some eye candy to get you through it.
I thought the movie was OK. The dialog was sometimes painful, but that's because a lot of it came straight from Rand, who, as noted, kinda liked to beat you over the head with her point.
I thought Shilling did a good job, though I liked the Reardon character more. I thought it was extremely well acted.
Rearden was good to. Eddie was ok. The brother was terrible as well as his cronies.
joey48442 wrote:
Rearden was good to. Eddie was ok. The brother was terrible as well as his cronies.
Yeah, the brother was acted horribly.
joey48442 wrote:
Rearden was good to. Eddie was ok. The brother was terrible as well as his cronies.
Probably only had so much an actor could work with - the brother was a hard enough character to believe in the book, so trying to portray him convincingly with a real person must have been nearly impossible. I tried reading Atlas Shrugged and couldn't get past the way the antagonists generally seemed not to be actual people, but embodiments of ideas Rand hated. And she seemed to have caricatured those ideas to the point you couldn't believe a real person would hold them. That guy didn't work in print, and I can't imagine him working on the big screen without rewriting him to the amount that he couldn't be put in an Ayn Rand story.
Hadn't thought about it like that, but you're right.
Although that one dude was the embodiment of Barney Frank, in mannerism, words, and action.
In reply to ThePhranc:
I'm pretty centrist in terms of fiscal policy and a complete libertarian when it comes to social policy in that there really shouldn't be much beyond what is needed to secure the inalienable rights of all human beings.
What I find amusing is that Rand took advantage of social programs in her old age. She was a hypocrite who didn't even follow her own philosophy.
As for her ideas, I don't like that Objectivism starts with a tautology (existence exists, the mind does not create reality). I've dealt with enough mentally ill people to know that that is patently false. I've also altered my own mind enough that it stopped parsing reality according to the general consensus of the time.
That's the nickel version. Suffice it to say I don't want to really get into it here, because I don't think anybody is going to change their mind about it.
i really know nothing about Ayn Rand beyond a couple of basic things:
liberals hate her but can never seen to point out specific reasons why, but they know they hate her.
conservatives love her but can never seem to point out specific reasons why, but they know they love her.
there seems to be no middle ground, which tells me her stuff probably sucks. i do know that Sean Hannity couldn't go out of his way to say how awesome the movie was when it first came out- so i will never see it.. i hate that guy even when i agree with him..
novaderrik wrote:
liberals hate her but can never seen to point out specific reasons why, but they know they hate her.
Yeah can't imagine why a liberal would have a problem with the mother of objectivism 
ThePhranc wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Why exactly do her ideas suck? Can you quantify your remarks? Maybe make a list of her exactly what her views are and tell us why exactly they suck.
I'd rather not. They're my opinions. I don't have to justify or list them.
novaderrik wrote:
there seems to be no middle ground, which tells me her stuff probably sucks.
Novaderrik, It does. I read Anthem and it was mediocre. I tried to read the Fountainhead and it was just ridiculous. I read, a lot. Those books were very poorly written and full of completely unrealistic actions and ideals. I felt the same way about Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. I'm sure someone is going to call me a heretic now. 
Xceler8x wrote:
ThePhranc wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Really. I'm with GameboyRMH. That idiot couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag. Oh, and her ideas suck too.
Why exactly do her ideas suck? Can you quantify your remarks? Maybe make a list of her exactly what her views are and tell us why exactly they suck.
I'd rather not. They're my opinions. I don't have to justify or list them.
I'll take your non-answer as proof you can't answer it honestly and know if you are dishonest I will call you out. I don't think you have any clue about her ideology and are most likely just full of crap.
This is silly. I know little about Rand, but can easily articulate at least one thing I dislike about her opinions- the few I know.
It seems to me beyond absurd to suggest that captains of industry are some kind of righteous purveyors of good works and prosperity to all, and that any move to regulate their activity is risking them withholding their creative energies.
First off, most captains of industry I know are motivated primarily by desire for profit. I'm not saying that's bad, but that does seem to be their only motivation. Since their profit can sometimes run at afoul of the public good, we need someone looking out for something other than their profit to put some reasonable limits on them.
Secondly, they're not going to stop being greedy just because regulation makes it more difficult for them to make a profit. Shoot, we don't have to look far to see what they do- they simply break the law.
I have no desire to see that movie and less to read her books, so I may be off base in my perceptions of her views. It's like asking what I don't like about country music. I just don't like it. And, no, I'm not going to listen to your CD. I already know I don't like it.
ThePhranc wrote:
I'll take your non-answer as proof you can't answer it honestly and know if you are dishonest I will call you out. I don't think you have any clue about her ideology and are most likely just full of crap.
I'll take a stab -
Criticisms of her whole philosophy ( Objectivism ) are easy enough to google. The link I posted earlier is a good one. My personal reaction to Shrugged and Fountainhead were that they are lousy reads and the whole philosophy reeks of arrogant and naive idealism wrung out by a lousy storyteller.
You have to be pretty far up in the white tower to think that people who grow your food would die if "creative big thinkers" went on strike.
If she lived her own philosophy, "No compromises" then her own life should be a pretty good reflection of a typical result of such a philosophy. It didn't look like much of a joy ride from the outside looking in. I am not sure how accepting medicare and social security fit into her no compromises life (but accepting them in her married name seems to say she got why it was probably a little ironic and best kept on the down-low). From where I sit it confirms why those books are in the Fiction section. They are to be taken as seriously as The Lord of the Rings. Atleast Tolkien could tell a story.
In reply to ThePhranc:
Way to prove that real information trumps non-factual, inflammatory floundering. ;-)
Personally, I prefer the "they're my opinions, I don't have to justify them" to "I deal in facts and I can just TELL you are a shiny happy person" approach.
As for Ayn Rand, as I said before when she came up, I have, as far as I know, read everything she ever wrote. Her philosophy and writing resonated quite strongly with me at one time in my life.
I was 14.
I grew out of the Bee Gees, too, though TBH, they play a he'll of a lot better now for nostalgia's sake than her sycophant-seeking, hypocritical ass still does.