About twenty five years ago I was somebody (in my own mind) that had an incident while playing football. I sprained my ankle by "rolling my foot" over. Anyone that has done it knows it only hurts a little and usually doesn't stop you from walking but screws with you trying to make a cut or pushing ANY thing at all. Also once you roll your ankle it gets easier and easier to do it because the adjoining components get dislodged, stretch or tear.
Flash forward about 24 1/2 years to a 300lb Mofo moving some crap in the shed in the middle of an ice storm so that I could get my special christmas booty out for my wife and kids when I step on an errant piece of ice or stone and twist my ankle one BIG last time. It hurts enough where I wrap it up and makes a note to actually talk to a medical professional about the issue. The doctors says it's just a sprain and to quit being such a vajayay.
Flash forward another month and Mofos insurance changes and I had to find a new doctor. One of my customers seems pretty cool and I decide to go to his practice and find another doctor IN his practice that fits the bill. While getting my "cough cough" physical the doctor, who we will call Peter, asks if there is anything that has been bothering me. I tell him my ankle is still really easy to tweak and I am really getting annoyed with it. He checks it out and sends me to do some PT and suggests some new shoes and a specific orthodic.
Last week I wipe out while mowing the lawn. Peter suggests I go to a REAL orthopedist to get it checked out. The orthopedist, who we will call Mike, tells me that I am FUBAR'd. props me up to the computer and pulls up my X-Ray and shows me the shelf that is left resulting from me breaking the exterior part of my ankle and never having the problem fixed. He asks me how many times have I rolled my ankle and I told him I honestly couldn't tell him, but probably over 100 times. His look scares me a little, because he looks as if I were the first person to answer with a number that high.
So now I find myself in the predicament of getting a two week vacation at the end of June and early July. I am pretty excited.
Who else had had a similar procedure?
I had a vacation once but it was not during June or July so I can't help you there. 
I had my ankle fractured in six places when I was younger by a guy who was showing off on the roller skate rink who landed on me. I still roll that ankle out from time to time and it hurts when it gets cold.
I'll stick with my torn left ACL, thankyaverramuch.
5/22/09 4:17 p.m.
About 15 years ago, I was roller blading, racing against a six-year-old, who was beating me. I lost balance, and fell on my back, bending my knee in a way it's not supposed to bend. It still hurts like a beotch to this day.
I really need to get that looked at, and recent family issues require me to have my ticker checked out. I don't mind doctor visits, as long as they don't involve needles.
When I was a Sophomore in college, I was playing soccer indoors with a friend of mine. I went to kick the ball and missed it (stupid me) and this was before I really learned how to kick a ball (you never straighten your knee--ever!). Well, I missed and my knee snapped straight out. It hurt like hell, but I didn't see a doctor. The pain went away after a short time and it seems to work OK. But running irritates it. When I get my insurance (new job) I'll have to get it looked at--it's been four years.
Knee injuries--yuck!
As the recipient of dead guy ACL tendons, (really), if it comes to surgery, or rehabilitation, listen to everything the doc says. If he/she says to say off it for two week, stay off it for two weeks. If you're told to scratch the top of your head before farting, ...well you get the idea. I've seen people spend lots of time and money, only to FUBAR their bodies by not listening to their doctor.
i yeah got a knee that is goofy like that.. Saw a doctor about a year after the injury.. MRI says nothing crazy. He wants to cut.. I'm like.. without evidence go to hell.
so then 2 years after that my one foot locks up. Apparently the leg with the bad knee is 8mm shorter than the other leg and is screwing things up. The podiatrist laughed at my flat feet when I talked about running.
I would have everything from the knee down replaced with peg if I were in your shoe.
I was offered the cadaver ACL as well; no thank you. I just keep it exercised and I have a set of CTi carbon fiber knee braces for when I want to do really stupid stuff.
see if you can get the list of post-surgery exercises before the surgery, and start doing them now. it will help with your recovery.
i'm not a doctor, i don't play one on TV, and i didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night. but a good friend had both hips replaced a few years ago. for 3 months before the surgery, he did all the post-op exercises as recommended, and his recovery time was about 50% what the docs predicted.
The angry one is right. Surgery's only part of the fix. Tim's folks are both partially bionic (mom has 2 robo hips, dad has 2 aftermarket knees), and both recovered absolutely fully and in much less than the normal time thanks to all the very hard work they did during their recoveries.
Sorry to hear you've got this ahead of you, but we'll be here when you need to vent or want some support. Just don't screw up your arms so you can't type!
I wonder if craigslist overseas has a market for human body parts?
You could get knees, hips, kidneys, only problem is the jerks trying to give you 5k for a hip that is obviously worth 8K.
InigoMontoya wrote:
I wonder if craigslist overseas has a market for human body parts?
You could get knees, hips, kidneys, only problem is the jerks trying to give you 5k for a hip that is obviously worth 8K.
Or one that is apparently in "pristine condition" or "runs like a top(teehee a pun)" but when you go to pick up, isn't.
Appleseed wrote:
As the recipient of dead guy ACL tendons, (really), if it comes to surgery, or rehabilitation, listen to everything the doc says. If he/she says to say off it for two week, stay off it for two weeks. If you're told to scratch the top of your head before farting, ...well you get the idea. I've seen people spend lots of time and money, only to FUBAR their bodies by not listening to their doctor.
+1 Brazillian. I didn't have the opportunity to do any prep before I broke my ankle during my killer Dale Earnhardt impersonation but by doing EVERYTHING I was told for once in my life, and doing it often and properly I was back to my normal waddle when several doctors doubted I'd walk without help again. Like others i still get a little pain in the cold, but nothing like I get in my ribs and sternum.
Wally wrote:
+1 Brazillian.
Hopefully, they won't have to shave him all the way up there
for ankle surgery.
walterj wrote:
I would have everything from the knee down replaced with peg if I were in your shoe.
You'll have to learn how to ninja kick all over again.... BTW it wasn't until now I just picked up on the singular "shoe"! I'm in the process of cleaning the coffee off of my monitor.
I'm in the process of a "vacation" due to having a 'growth'-whatever the hell that is supposed to be-.and a couple of lymph nodes removed. Had a small lump under my arm for the past couple of years(5) and never thought much of it.My DR., who also is a friend, convinced me to see a surgeon. I went in Dec., and we scheduled minor surgery to remove it in June, when my busy season would be over. My insurance changed, effective May 1(thanks U.A. local #22), so I was able to get in April 30 and get it done before the change. Minor is in the eye of the beholder, because I was on the table for 3 1/2 hours(was supposed to be 30-45 minutes) and now have a smile under my arm that's about 8" long.Same type of thing last year when my "friend" doctor discovered a small hernia during my physical. Different surgeon, same results. Was supposed to be" minimally invasive"- ended up with a slash 10" long when it was much worse than they thought. Funny part is neither one of these bothered me before the surgeries. There is no way I'm going to tell them about my torn meniscus....they'll try to save it at the hip!
Oh Snap.
When I was 20, I broke my Femur riding BMX...jumped a dirt jump, knew I wasnt gonna make the landing, so I bailed. I was gonna just tuck and roll when I came down. Only problem is that when my feet came down, one slipped in some loose dirt and I did a pelican leg maneuver where my left leg broke right in the middle of the femur and I kicked myself in the forehead...pretty surreal feeling actually. Doc said it took over 2 tons of force to break it the way I did.
I heard the snap. All my friends said it sounded like a big tree limb breaking in an Ice storm.
At my current job, you have to exit the manufacturing floor thru a metal detector door frame, and if you go off, security wands you. If its a really muggy day, the SS screws/titanium rod in my hip sets off the wands, pretty cool.
Im part of the certified spare parts club.
Also, riding BMX, I rolled my ankle hard enough that the popping sound was audible to the other 10 or so people there. It hurt really bad immediately, but then kind a wore off throughout the day. I was able to walk on it less than an hour later. But if I put any lateral pressure on my heel, I could feel tha ankle try to separate. The next morning, my ankle as a giant purple cantelope. I went to the dock, and he said I had injured every ligament in my ankle. He said I wouldve been better off actually breaking my ankle. One of those plastic boots with the inflateable pads and months of PT later, I am all better, but I dont ride so much BMX anymore
5/24/09 12:57 p.m.
At least you won't end up looking like this:

That took 6 weeks before I was walking again.
good luck with it. I have a similar issue with my ankle and have rolled at least the same number of times. Always the left ankle always the same way, always hurts. someday when I get insurance again I will get it checked out. good luck.
I once took home a 30+ year old British car, that REALLY hurt.
Bloody painful, ain't it? ^^
No metal in me, everything is OE. Well, except one tooth crown.
5/25/09 8:43 p.m.
I rolled my right ankle in a bad skateboarding incident in college. Pushing along with lunch in a sack and accidentally kicked the back end of the board out from under me. Came down heavily on the outside of my right ankle. By the time I got up and limped the 8 steps the park bench, my shoe was too tight to unlace and my sock was stretched taut.
I did a bunch of tendon damage but luckily no bone injury. My whole calf turned jet black from the internal bleeding - it took a bunch of PT to get some strength back in it, and it's still never been 100% right.
Good luck with the surgery, mang!
Thanks for the words, I am on an excersize regimen currently, we started out with PT for just the reason P stated.
And Hal... Wow.