I'll be driving up to Pelham, NY (Bronx) from parts south this Saturday. I recall several tolls through NJ/NY but don't remember the amount - everything after Allentown is a blur. Anyone have guidance on the tolls and/or traffic flow on 78 and 95 on a Saturday morning-noon? I'll be driving up from WV and back, hopefully making it back down to Carlisle PA by 4pm.
Will you have a trailer? If so, it'll impact the routes you can take.
Yes, a 5x8 lightweight lawn mower/atv type. Single axle.
With a trailer, your tolls roughly double.
dj06482 wrote:
Will you have a trailer? If so, it'll impact the routes you can take.
True. No trailers allowed on the Saw Mill or Taconic Parkways. Big fine.
5/14/14 8:25 a.m.
Are you going to pick up the 904 bodywork?
906 bodywork.
Google didn't mention Saw Mill or Taconic in the directions so I assume I'm good. I understand that New Yorkers are a friendly bunch, so I'm sure someone will kindly let me know if I'm on a No-Trailers road. As far as I can tell, it's a straight drive from 81 to 78 to 95. Then I do a U-turn and go back.
Try to get up here early. I95 through the Bronx can be slow on a Saturday afternoon.
Trailers eliminate most of the route that I would have suggested. I figured as much, based on the your other thread about the bodywork for the 906. I think you're stuck with the I-95 route. I would start as early as possible, and try to set yourself up so you're through NYC before 8AM. The trip back will likely not be fun.
I'm about 1/2 hour Northwest of Bridgeport, so if you need a local GRM'er for some reason, feel free to reach out. I'll send you a PM with my cell phone number in case you need it.
I'm about 1/2 hour from Bridgeport, so if you need a local GRM'er for some reason, just reach out.
I'd also map out I-78 to I-287 to 95 and see if that works. If you're leaving very early in the morning taking 95 through NYC might not be that bad, but I'd consider the more out of the way route on the way home. Plus, I can't imagine being stuck in NYC traffic with a trailer being fun. 287 will have less traffic and will be less hectic than 95 in the greater NYC area. I-95 once you get into CT isn't that bad at all. I'd suggest the Merritt Parkway, but that's a no-go with a trailer.
Apis_Mellifera wrote:
906 bodywork.
Google didn't mention Saw Mill or Taconic in the directions so I assume I'm good. I understand that New Yorkers are a friendly bunch, so I'm sure someone will kindly let me know if I'm on a No-Trailers road. As far as I can tell, it's a straight drive from 81 to 78 to 95. Then I do a U-turn and go back.
You understand what? Just got back from up there this past weekend and the pennsylvanians and new jerseyians were awesome, the New Yawkas were the rudest bunch of shiny happy people since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny berkeleying Kaye
And my wife is a new yorker born and raised, she even admits this
In reply to dj06482:
I forgot 278 goes all the way to 95. Even if it's a longer distance in the afternoon it will probably be a better ride.
Wally wrote:
In reply to dj06482:
I forgot 278 goes all the way to 95. Even if it's a longer distance in the afternoon it will probably be a better ride.
278 is a nightmare from above Parsippany around RTE10 all the way down to 78 in the afternoon. Still, it's probably the best way to go but I'd hole up somewhere and have dinner until 7PM.
Wally is kinda nice
and he's a New Yawkah
If 287 isn't much of an improvement, what about going all the way up to 84 and then say down 24? Would that be an improvement? Been a number of years since I was up that way, but as I recall, 84 moved very well.
I don't know if i'd want to trailer pretty pieces of body work on I95 in the first place. I just drove in a stock suspension'd Miata through I95 going West towards the George Washington, over the bridge, and awhile further, and it was probably the worst piece of pavement i've ever driven on, with the Mulholland a pretty distant 2nd place.
I live near DJ and drove to Allentown a few weeks ago. 95 is shorter by GPS, but you might have a happier trip if you come across the Tappan Zee Bridge (which I think is 87) to 287 to 684 and then 84. It's easier than it sounds. Then get off 84 at exit 3 in Connecticut and take 7 South to Bridgeport. It may add 15 miles to the trip, but it's way better than hauling a trailer through New York and New Jersey on 95.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Wally is kinda nice
and he's a New Yawkah
Im sure that there are nice new yawkahs but most of them ive met are most ASSuredly not
And wally seems really cool
A slight revision: I will be going to Pelham, NY first, then (hopefully) up to Stratford, CT for the rest of the 906.
Given these details, is this a better idea: From Carlisle PA - 78 to 287 at Bridgewater, up 287 across Tappan Zee Bridge, onto 87 at Elmsford, down 87 toward Mt. Vernon, and then over to Pelham, NY. Once I grab the 906 front and 910 rear, up to Stratford on 95. Return is the opposite of arrival? I avoid the NYC area of 95. Google says this adds 20 minutes and 20 miles. GRM says this reduces the hurt feelings I'm likely to incur due to the abusive nature of NYC drivers?
Am I still not allowed to pump my own gas in NJ? Am I supposed to tip those guys? I ask because the last time I was driving though NJ, the pump boy acted like I was stealing his money when I waited for my change (folding-type change). Of course I was driving a $500 Chevy S-10 from WV with a $5000 vintage BMW motorcycle in the back, so there was an air of suspicion around both of us...
You are coming from Carlisle? Take i81 to i84 and run it right into CT. You will hit some construction traffic but nothing like the congestion 78/287/80/95 options.
Coming from Carlisle to Pelham NY, near New Rochelle (just outside the Bronx).
Avoid northern NJ and NYC if at all possible. Even thou its longer, take 81 to 84. No tolls, no stopped traffic. Last time I drove thru NYC with a trailer It took me just over three hours to get from Cape Cod to just outside NYC roughly 220 miles. It took me 6 and a half to go the 90 miles from there to NJMP, and cost me $150 in tolls.
So 78 to 287 is no good either, keeping in mind I'm basically going to the Bronx with an ETA of 9am Saturday morning?
In order of ease:
I-81 to I-84 to exit 11 to Rt.25 to Bridgeport.
I-78 to I-287 to I-684 to I-84 to exit 11 to RT.25 to Bridgeport.
I-95 through NYC.
I would vote for the top two routes, especially with a trailer and if you're not familiar with the area.