8/6/15 12:36 a.m.
You have all come to expect a certain level of insanity from my dealings, and this soliloquy is no different. My face booked grmers will know some of the details already, but allow me to wax poetic on my last......96 hours or so.
Sunday morning. On my way home. Driving the mazdaspeed, because swmbo needs miyuki to do swmbo stuff, as the prism needs attention that I cannot shower upon it due to lack of time and funds. Have I mentioned my wife is out of work right now? Yes, she's not punched a clock since June. Something something cognitive impairment I don't know. Lovely guardian her short term disability insurance decided to take their sweet ass time and sent a check........ That arrived today. Literally any later and we'd have had trouble maintaining residence. So- fixing spare cars is out of the question. Back to the ms3. Turbo makes a loud whirring noise. Very unnatural. Quite making the noise, then quits turboing, period. Turbo is done. Great. So, 3/4 of my dd's are broken.
Monday- I decided in all my brilliance, to pick a giant fight with the wife, about this whole disability thing, and my perception of it. This is not a wise move. Tuesday, I start getting rumblings of the sinus E36 M3 she has. Great. My punishment for being an ass is that I get sick from the worst possible sick for me. I cannot stand sinus issues. Wednesday- here we go. Work is just failing me. Kegs are exploring, beer is foamy, I keep forgetting everything, anything that could go south, did. I had two growlers explode, back to back. They explode a couple times a year. They sound like shotgun blasts and get glass everywhere. I had to clean that up twice today.just a E36 M3 day. Wife and I split up because I have some E36 M3 to do, she texts me. Her purse has been stolen out of my car. In it was my sons tablet, yet another item we cannot afford to replace right now. Coincidentally there has been like two other times that damn thing has even left the house.
On the plus side, I can identify that purse from a block away, as I ordered it from berkeleying japan, the cards in her wallet all got shut down before any cash got spent. The cops think they might know who did it- and we have the serial number for my kids nabi so if it shows up anywhere I will track it.
All I can say is- the cops had better find the person before I do, and said person had better be praying to God that this is so.
8/6/15 5:56 a.m.
If you do find the tablet on line and trace it, be careful, we just lost a local boy who went to retrieve his phone.:
"LONDON, Ont. — Police are searching for three suspects after a teen who recently moved to the city to pursue a carpentry career was gunned down in a parking lot Sunday while trying to track down his lost cellphone."
And under the heading of instant Karma:
"Police were to resume searching the Rideau River Friday for the body of a man sought for a high-profile slaying in London, Ont., and an attack on Ottawa police officers."
As to the beer drama. I so recall some of the foamy days. While carbonation is a simple thing in principle, I took to monitoring the barometer and temperature to know what days I was going to have trouble. They could be long days.
8/6/15 9:00 a.m.
Yeah it's been really hot lately, and our coolers wonked out last week so we have a couple of sketchy kegs. I'm massively under the gun too- as I had 0 glass to get anything done til like 3 days ago- so we were dry on stock.
8/6/15 9:07 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
Have I mentioned my wife is out of work right now? Yes, she's not punched a clock since June. Something something cognitive impairment I don't know. ... I decided in all my brilliance, to pick a giant fight with the wife, about this whole disability thing, and my perception of it. This is not a wise move.
I can relate. My wife has been off work for three weeks for a similar reason. At this point, I don't know when/if she will be going back to work. Serenity now.
8/6/15 9:11 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
Yeah it's been really hot lately, and our coolers wonked out last week so we have a couple of sketchy kegs. I'm massively under the gun too- as I had 0 glass to get anything done til like 3 days ago- so we were dry on stock.
Just to keep things in perspective: You have not lived in the beer world until you have had your first wild yeast invasion. Sanitation is not something you ever want to get complacent about and hope to hell your yeast supplier is solid.
How many hectoliters is the brewery?
8/6/15 9:13 a.m.
And of note if my stolen item cse study is Amy indicator, I'll get this stuff back. Last time I had a bunch of stuff snatched from a 1993 corolla (remember I love me some 101) the kids mom turned him in.
NOHOME wrote: How many hectoliters is the brewery?
Zero, real beer comes in Gallons 

mndsm, so sorry for you E36 M3ty situation
8/6/15 10:00 a.m.
NOHOME wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Yeah it's been really hot lately, and our coolers wonked out last week so we have a couple of sketchy kegs. I'm massively under the gun too- as I had 0 glass to get anything done til like 3 days ago- so we were dry on stock.
Just to keep things in perspective: You have not lived in the beer world until you have had your first wild yeast invasion. Sanitation is not something you ever want to get complacent about and hope to hell your yeast supplier is solid.
How many hectoliters is the brewery?
I don't know what a hectoliter is, but I know we brew on a 15 barrel kettle, we have 3-4 15bbl fermenters and 1 30, we have 1 15bbl bright and one 30bbl bright, and were getting one more 30bbl of each tank soon. We're projected to move like 2500bbls this year.
That is quite the E36 M3 sandwich. Sucks. Hang in there!
8/6/15 12:49 p.m.
Autocorrect. Nothing will ever beat that story. It should be added to the Grm wiki.
mndsm wrote:
NOHOME wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Yeah it's been really hot lately, and our coolers wonked out last week so we have a couple of sketchy kegs. I'm massively under the gun too- as I had 0 glass to get anything done til like 3 days ago- so we were dry on stock.
Just to keep things in perspective: You have not lived in the beer world until you have had your first wild yeast invasion. Sanitation is not something you ever want to get complacent about and hope to hell your yeast supplier is solid.
How many hectoliters is the brewery?
I don't know what a hectoliter is, but I know we brew on a 15 barrel kettle, we have 3-4 15bbl fermenters and 1 30, we have 1 15bbl bright and one 30bbl bright, and were getting one more 30bbl of each tank soon. We're projected to move like 2500bbls this year.
a metric unit of capacity equal to one hundred liters, used especially for wine, beer, grain, and other agricultural produce.
8/6/15 3:31 p.m.
mndsm wrote:
NOHOME wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Yeah it's been really hot lately, and our coolers wonked out last week so we have a couple of sketchy kegs. I'm massively under the gun too- as I had 0 glass to get anything done til like 3 days ago- so we were dry on stock.
Just to keep things in perspective: You have not lived in the beer world until you have had your first wild yeast invasion. Sanitation is not something you ever want to get complacent about and hope to hell your yeast supplier is solid.
How many hectoliters is the brewery?
I don't know what a hectoliter is, but I know we brew on a 15 barrel kettle, we have 3-4 15bbl fermenters and 1 30, we have 1 15bbl bright and one 30bbl bright, and were getting one more 30bbl of each tank soon. We're projected to move like 2500bbls this year.
In my life, that works out to about about 600,000 of these. (500ml cans)

Or 158,000 of these:

The "Growler" concept was not around when I was playing the game. Packaging in general was a huge cost point and money loser. Keg customers ruled and I would give you a free keg system if you signed on for 25 kegs a year. Tried a lot of things including cans. Big reason why I got out.
With beer being the delicate beverage that it is, who is responsible for hygiene and safety when refiling the growlers?
8/6/15 6:13 p.m.
That would be me. I am sanitization for everything. We have a several step process to making sure our E36 M3 is clean. I also do all of the bottling, so its actually really easy to control the cleaning, since I am basically 100% of the process.
NOHOME wrote:
The "Growler" concept was not around when I was playing the game. Packaging in general was a huge cost point and money loser. Keg customers ruled and I would give you a free keg system if you signed on for 25 kegs a year. Tried a lot of things including cans. Big reason why I got out.
With beer being the delicate beverage that it is, who is responsible for hygiene and safety when refiling the growlers?
I came across Growlers when I first moved here over 20 years ago. I have at least a half dozen, some places will only re-fill ones with their logo on, others will refill any. I was them, send them through the dishwasher and most places just re-fill them. My beer, my responsibility for hygiene. Most times the content is gone within 24 hours, but some times I've had 2 growlers filled with cider (real cider, not apple juice they call cider in this country) up North and brought them down for a party the following weekend with no issues.
BAck to the OP. I hope your E36 M3 storm is quieting down and the sun has come back out on you and your family.
Dude, that sucks. Bad things always seem to occur together.
If it helps, I posted in GRM today, the balance of the world has shifted back.
I'm also back among the living to read about your woes, so you have that going for you. As usual I can provide no actual help, other than suggesting you stop being mean to the only person who wants to sleep with you. 
Yeah, E36 M3 seems to hit in bunches. Keep your head up; at least in my world something crappy happening means something better is just around the bend!
Afrin, (addictive - use moderately) miso soup, and hot saki together are my sinus friends. Good luck. Things will get better.
NOHOME wrote:
Or 158,000 of these:
The "Growler" concept was not around when I was playing the game. Packaging in general was a huge cost point and money loser. Keg customers ruled and I would give you a free keg system if you signed on for 25 kegs a year. Tried a lot of things including cans. Big reason why I got out.
Good luck to the Barley Mow!
8/9/15 1:42 p.m.
It's...... Something. I got a kid projectile vomiting. But he's chill and not.berkeleying up my apt, so.... Good enough