We spent four days there as part of our honeymoon. We went on a really nice dinner cruise on the river one evening, it was pretty good. It's been a long time so I don't remember the name.
One eyed Lizzy's was pretty good.
Just walking around the Cemetery was pretty cool. Lot's of very old headstones.
Got in to Savannah a bit later today than we were hoping. Hit up the Pirate House for dinner, so awesome! SWMBO loved the ghosty feel and history, I enjoyed the Chatham Artillery punch. I'm pretty sure I would get less drunk drinking pure alcohol verses more of those 
Ghost tour is scheduled for tonight. Hopefully it stays dry till we are done. Gotta walk off dinner. 
Hunting Island State park is neat in nearby Beaufort (sp ???) SC. Its where the Viet Nam scenes from Forrest Bump were filmed. Serene, quiet, pretty. Also, check out Tybee Island.
Midnight "ghost" tour was awesome! Turned out to be a private tour since the other party did not show up. Spent 2 hours walking around Victorian Savannah. A lot less ghosty, much more gritty history on murders and graves and mansions. Well worth dealing with the light rain and 45 degree weather.
Hit the Ships of the Sea museum and the Mighty 8th Air Force museum today, along with a couple pubs (6th sense and Kevin Barry's).
Both museums were awesome, and the Mighty 8th was huge, we barely got to do half of it before closing time. Also very sobering, they had a very large memorial garden with many plaques and dedications all over. Very moving.
Thank you to all veterans!
Olde Pink House is tonight, getting all fancied up on SWMBO's orders.
Wife and I had a good time doing a guided architecture/history tour by bicycle.
3/2/15 11:28 a.m.
Ogalthorpe raceway has vintage flat track and modern ft going on Thursday thur Sat.
Well we made it back home after a wonderfully long weekend. The Olde Pink House was pretty fancy and a great time. Also, did you guys know that Savannah doesn't have an open container law? 
We went out to Tybee Island today before heading home. Went up to the top of the light house, wondering around Battery Garland, then went out and toured Fort Pulaski. Just spectacular all around.
Now, bed. Night y'all!
They may not have an open container law, but is is an extremely easy city to catch a DUI, especially during St Patrick Day. The numerous one-way streets help the cops a lot.
Didn't drive. Got a hotel in downtown. Only drove to the 8th Air Force museum and Tybee Island. Lots of walking.