I can't eat McD's fries any more. for me a meal there is 2 double cheese burgers and an iced coffee.
I can't eat McD's.. well, I can, but it is a bigger question about who is eating whom. A Burger and fries from McD's will have me in the restoom in less than an hour, making me wish I had never eaten anything ever
ignore my inappropriateness and thank god for spell check.
time to ignore my way to work
7/23/08 1:59 p.m.
im trying to ignore work but im to busy ignoring this thread.
Ignoring my own failings as a human being.
not ignoring that this fell to page 2
I'll see your ignorance. And raise you a misinformation.
I'll see your misinformation and raise you an obfuscation.
I'll eschew your obfuscation, and finagle with prevarication.
Ignoring since I just finished building a new network for a school in Detroit!
I thought schools in Detroit were all getting ignored.
just because they got a new network does not mean they are getting computers to access it.. so in essence all his work will get ignored by many people
this could take a while, as the post count im my profile is only updtaed once a day,
i want to ignore work in 10 hours
but then they can ignore paying me