User error in my favor!
43 is Mine! All MINE! MUAHhahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!UNO!!!1!!!!
User error in my favor!
43 is Mine! All MINE! MUAHhahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!UNO!!!1!!!!
NASCAR is great, it is like a bank for inbreeding, keep all them folk together so we can keep our bloodlines pure!
trying to ignor the after-math of all that I did drink'n last night. cant ignor a great start to a day off WoooHooo
NASCAR contributes to my blood pressure on my morning commute as I get stuck behind rolling roadblocks with 3's and 8's on their back windows driving side by side on the interstate at 5 over the speed limit all the time saying to themselves "two wide, two wide!"
Not really sure how, but this seems to provide them entertainment for up to 10 minutes at a time.
Thanks NASCAR.
The signifigance of ignorance falls mainly in the belligerence.
HA! I'm a poet and I was not even aware of the fact. Ie: ignorant
John Brown wrote: I can't believe it's NOT ignorance!
I cant belive it's NOT CRACK. BTW dont do drugs, drugs cost money, money you could put to your car.
Wow, the Ignore thread hasn't been ignored for a whole day. C'mon, people, where's your ignorant pride?
I've ignored virtually everything all day, which is the best thing about dreary, drizzling Saturdays.
I'm ignoring the hockey game (canucks vs flames). I know nothing of Hockey, but all my in-laws are visiting from Vancouver.
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