I was going to ignore this thread today, but I decided to nevermind it instead.
Wow! this topic will keep on going... and i'll keep on ignoring. btw i know i haven't been here in a while but what happened to my halfdork status?
Ya'll must've ignored the many times I said if you email me and tell me your old username, I can probably recover your post count.
Look at it this way. 12 hours, or, 720 whole minutes.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to ignore my tediously slow internet speed. Damn ISP is suffering technical issues due to some bad weather.
If I had full access to the MYSQL server, I could select this thread and insert it back into the table as part of the Ignore thread.
now I'm trying to ignore a saturn, they are easy to ignore for the sake of performance, but it should work for DD use.
ignore this or go to my thread on this in the main forum.
or we can all enjoy unadaultrated ingnorance
Ignorance was invented in the United States of America in 1946, and is the measure of human cluelessness. The official unit of ignorance is the Stallone.... 8)
I am gona try to Ignore hwo mad my wife will be when she finds out about my beetle, it will take alot of ignorance
ignore people in kilts, if you ask them if they have underwear, be prepared to find out the hard way..,. I must pull mine out of the dresser next week and wear it on the last day of class.
neon4891 wrote: ignore people in kilts, if you ask them if they have underwear, be prepared to find out the hard way..,. I must pull mine out of the dresser next week and wear it on the last day of class.
I have been known to wear my kilt swing dancing. Last time someone asked me if I was wearing underwear, I came back with "So, what kind of panties do you have on?"
Yes, I wear under my kilt when I expect to be spinning around.
And now a semi-kilt joke, told to me by 'The Fox' of The Man Show fame.
'What do you call a Scotsman with a quarter pounder ?
A McDonald.
(i think that's how the joke went...)
As for me, It depends on the situation if I go traditional... and FWIW, my accestral clan IS McDonalds of the isles.
feel free to ignore my personal history
and my sister was born in scottland
Salanis wrote: "I don't know what ye've ignored lad, but I see ye've won first prize!"
Glad that Im not the only person not ignorant about that song
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