3/23/16 11:47 a.m.
Ok, two rants in one!
- Bought a car in Jan 2015. Registered it right away. In about September 2015, Illinois makes a decision to stop sending registration renewal reminder cards in the mail, but they don't tell me. Sure it was on the news but I missed it. They claim the move saves $450k/month in postage for them. In October 2015, I got a big yellow form in the mail saying I would need to pass emissions before renewing the registration. They usually send this form separate from the renewal letter (and a bit ahead of time). Ok, so I go pass emissions testing, and promptly forget about registration (note - neither the yellow form nor the emissions place mentions the fact that I will not be receiving the usual renewal notice). Come march 2016, I get a parking ticket for $60, because of course I forgot since I didn't get the card in the mail and that is how I have ALWAYS done it in the past. Then I learn about this whole shenanigan. Fine. Fool me once a-holes. I go to get online to buy new registration. oh, you need reg ID and pin number. Where are they? Oh, they are printed on your renewal reminder card (THAT WE DONT BERKING SEND OUT ANYMORE). No worries, if you don't have the numbers just CALL our department and we will tell you over the phone. So I call the number. from my out of state cell. "this number does not accept calls from your calling area". Ok, try my desk line - same message (my company is based in WI, so this desk line is a WI area code). got to be kidding me. I call my wife, who happens to have a cell with an IL area code and ask her to call. She does. they inform her that they cannot give her the reg ID and pin because she is not me. However, they do tell her that I can call the secretary of state and ask for an operator on a different line. So I do. and I get the numbers, and I pay my registration online. Which is now late ($20 late fee - on top of the $60 ticket). Nowhere is there an option to pay an extra 42 cents for them to send me a damn card in the mail next time. So now, a process that would have cost them less than a buck (send a card in the mail) now cost them multiple phone calls, and about 10 minutes of human attention. they saved a buck to spend ten. Nice work idiots. OH WAIT! they saved a buck to spend 10 to hit me up for an extra 80 - nearly doubling my registration fee this year. Give that man a raise!
- Illinois has delayed paying tax refunds this year "so they can do a better job of fraud prevention". But we all know it really is "we don't have any money to pay back". Heck, they aren't paying lotto winners, or pensions, among others. HOW CAN ILLINOIS BE OUT OF MONEY WHEN WE RANK 1ST IN HIGHEST STATE AND LOCAL TAX BURDEN AMONG ALL STATES AND DC!!! What a bunch of clowns.
Side comment that I know people will think I am floundering but I will say anyway:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
Don't you have a sticker on the license plate that expires? That's always a good hint that you need to register your car soon.
3/23/16 11:56 a.m.
The Hoff wrote:
Don't you have a sticker on the license plate that expires? That's always a good hint that you need to register your car soon.
Yes, of course I do (that's how the cop knew to give me a parking ticket). But I literally never look at mine because I have always just sent my check or paid online when I got the card in the mail. I guess I'll have to change that.
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
3/23/16 11:58 a.m.
Yeah, berkeley Illinois Politicians.
I'm just glad they still get to go on vacation without hammering out a budget. It's only about 8 1/2 months over due, no big deal. 
I have a good paying job, especially when compared to the local cost of living. Even so I've been sending out resumes for the past few years in the hopes of landing a job in a less politically gridlocked state with a milder climate.
The latest target is a Hydro-Electric plant in Tacoma, Wa. fingers crossed
I'm not even going to cut loose with a rant regarding my opinion of the... individuals... running for POTUS. 
3/23/16 11:59 a.m.
Javelin wrote:
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
Mmmm, good point, and I totally believe it. I am not a vet and therefore it is easy for me to forget things like this. Even more awesome. 
3/23/16 12:00 p.m.
And the governor just lost me too. I was skeptical, but optimistic about him. But as soon as he supported Trump, I was out.
3/23/16 12:07 p.m.
In reply to mtn:
I wasn't aware of this... for berkeley's sake... what the hell?...
3/23/16 12:10 p.m.
Around here...reg expired = tow the car + $1000 fine for driving unreg car and if your insurance was not active your looking at another $600 oh and then there points against your insurance so many point in one year you loos your right to operate, if you've got other ticket point ect more then 5 in a 5 year period you loose your lic and have to go to driver re-education classes at $500 for the class and a bunch of reinstatement fees....
oh and $50 min for tow + storage fees + you'd need all paper work and reg before they'd release it to you (= more storage fees)
In reply to mtn:
What's wrong with wanting to make America great again?
3/23/16 12:12 p.m.
The_Jed wrote:
In reply to mtn:
I wasn't aware of this... for berkeley's sake... what the hell?...
Well, in fairness to Rauner he didn't endorse him straight up--he endorsed the GOP, and said he'd support Trump if nominated. I just am astounded by all of this, unless the "insiders" (i.e. any senators/governors who are Republicans) know something the rest of us don't know, like Trump is legitimately just doing this to get the nomination, then is going to pull a complete 180 and be reasonable.
I just can't believe that myself.
Oh so glad that I got away from there. I don't miss it at all from that standpoint. I've been seeing another surge of Illinois license plates here in Austin and I don't blame them one bit.
3/23/16 12:38 p.m.
44Dwarf wrote:
Around here...reg expired = tow the car + $1000 fine for driving unreg car and if your insurance was not active your looking at another $600 oh and then there points against your insurance so many point in one year you loos your right to operate, if you've got other ticket point ect more then 5 in a 5 year period you loose your lic and have to go to driver re-education classes at $500 for the class and a bunch of reinstatement fees....
oh and $50 min for tow + storage fees + you'd need all paper work and reg before they'd release it to you (= more storage fees)
Well, mine was a parking ticket. I do not doubt that the moving violation would be worse. and of course my insurance is current (because guess what? they sent me a reminder!).
I'll bet MA still sends you a reminder card to make your annual payment.
The Hoff wrote:
In reply to mtn:
What's wrong with wanting to make America great again?
Nothing. I'm not sure any of the current candidates have any idea how to make that happen.
In reply to mtn:
I keep expecting to see Ashton Kutcher come out on stage and explain that it all was part of his new Punk'd movie, due out in theaters in December.
I just can't imagine anyone thinking that person should be anywhere near being in charge of our military let alone have access to a nuclear arsenal or our nation's secrets.
That's just one of the reasons we moved from IL to Mississippi. It's pretty sad when I can live a block from the beach for cheaper than living in the middle of BFE and corn/bean fields, eh?
Just FYI, Illinois has also decided to stop sending out reminders that you need to get an emissions test. If you need one and don't get it, they will refuse to renew your license plate sticker.
3/23/16 1:05 p.m.
petegossett wrote:
That's just one of the reasons we moved from IL to Mississippi. It's pretty sad when I can live a block from the beach for cheaper than living in the middle of BFE and corn/bean fields, eh?
Yeah. Although I will admit some of Illinois gets pretty cheap (housing wise - no escape from the taxes).
Wifey and I have decided that we want to live close to the people who mean most to us (and who we spend most time with), and that limits us to Chicago or Denver right now. We would consider Denver but I grew up there and now I feel like the housing market is just downright silly in comparison.
3/23/16 1:10 p.m.
slowride wrote:
Just FYI, Illinois has also decided to stop sending out reminders that you need to get an emissions test. If you need one and don't get it, they will refuse to renew your license plate sticker.
And thank you. even more reason for me to sell the cars we don't drive!
The Hoff wrote:
In reply to mtn:
What's wrong with wanting to make America great again?
The funny thing to me is that it's a presidential candidate basically saying that America sucks. I think America is already great; why would I vote for a guy that hates America? That outright states America sucks?
Javelin wrote:
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
I don't understand your comment, please expand/explain what you mean.
In reply to Robbie:
Just beg all your state's reps to secede from Illinois. It would be greatly amusing to see all the non-Chicago counties do this and form their own territory & new state/join another state.....probably the only way to get out from under the mountain of debt that was racked up.
FWIW, our last governor massively overhauled Indiana's BMV system, and aside from idiots within the BMV overcharging people(same idiots that made it hell prior to overhaul), it's honestly better than it was.
KyAllroad wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
I don't understand your comment, please expand/explain what you mean.
Have you not seen the news of the last, oh, 40 years? Especially the last 10? The VA is basically criminally negligent in caring for our veterans, resulting in thousands of documented deaths. This is what happens when the government controls your health care.
KyAllroad wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
I don't understand your comment, please expand/explain what you mean.
I'm convinced it depends upon the people staffed from location to location. Our local one is very highly regarded, and I've seen veterans drive over 4hrs just to go to it versus the other ones more local to them.
3/23/16 1:56 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Robbie wrote:
Can't wait till my healthcare functions this smoothly.
For the Billionth time, it does already! Go sit in a VA hospital with a Vet for a day.
I don't understand your comment, please expand/explain what you mean.
I'm convinced it depends upon the people staffed from location to location. Our local one is very highly regarded, and I've seen veterans drive over 4hrs just to go to it versus the other ones more local to them.
Agreed. FWIW, my great aunt (PHS) and grandpa (Army) used to go to 2, and overall had pretty phenomenal care.