I suppose with that header I won't get the advice/responses I'm looking for/need, but here goes:
Awhile ago I complained that many folks selling stuff on CraigsList won't answer any inquiries about items they have for sale. Example? "I got your message, and sorry, that Guttenberg Bible has been sold." Another "problem" is folks don't bother to delete ads when an object is sold.
WELL...this morning, nearly 2 weeks after I answered an ad about a car, I finally got a response from the seller. I should add that the ad was almost 3 weeks old when I ran across it. (As much of a CL addict as I am, I missed it the first time and caught it on a search.) So it is now nearly a month since the ad appeared. I went back to CL to search for the ad, to see if the seller had perhaps re-posted in the meantime with a lowered the price. (Sorry this getting long.) ANYWAY, the ad was gone. However, there was a "link" in my response to the seller, so I went to it and copied it (I guess I've watched PEOPLE'S COURT too much?).
So my "question", sort of, is... if this person puts a car up for sale (12 years old, with 77,000 miles) then doesn't respond for nearly 2 weeks, and the CL ad is gone, would you be in any way suspicious?
I'd suspect that they sold the car.
It'd have been nice if they'd responded to your query and let you know, but that doesn't seem to happen all that much.
EDIT: I'm an idiot. Reading comprehension fail.
9/7/11 10:37 a.m.
There is a reason that most people take thousands less than they should as a "trade-in" which is so they do not have to "bother" with selling a car. Remember that CL is worth everything that you paid for the service - zero - and this make it very accessable to all kinds, even those who should not really be there.
I would be suspicous but still proceed with caution.
You are a self proclaimed CL geek and understand how it works but most sellers have no idea.
I don't think I would be suspicious. Especially if it is a local sale
Some people are just really bad at selling things. I have encountered folks who put an item up on CL and then left the country for a 2 week vacation. I responded to an ad for bicycle tires on monday the 29th and the seller emailed me last night telling me when to pick them up 
I did get a response 3 weeks after emailing on a mini fridge and the poor lady was diagnosed with cancer and hospitalized hours after putting the ad up, but responded the moment she got home still sick from chemo. I felt really bad for having to pass on that one but the need was no longer there.
I am neurotic about posting FS ads. I always do it on a weekend morning so that I am avaliable at any time and keep a netbook with me to answer emails promptly wherever I am.
I guess the reason I'm a tad suspicious is that the ad is no longer on CL (I have no idea why, as OLDER ads are still there). Yet, I can look at it by hitting the "link" from my original response.
And, being the cynic I am, I have the feeling that the ad was "ditched" but they decided to respond to my reply....instead of being an optimist and believing no one wants this car (which is hard to believe as it's a 2000 Integra coupe with low miles and a 5 speed).
what does the ad was "ditched" mean?
Ad was "ditched": I do a search and it no longer comes up on the search list.
I've had that happen with legit ads on both ebay, and Kijiji.
The ads are still there, and if you have the ad number you can find them, but not through searching. I have no idea why it happens.
probably has more to do with low-tech search engine than anything they're doing on purpose. sometimes ads also pop up on google when they don't show up via cl search.
Did I miss what the reply said ?
I've got an Ebay question hopefully someone can answer. If I go to Ebay and search for Detomaso Pantera it comes up with 1118 results. 1116 are in 'parts and accessories' and 2 are in 'cars and trucks'. When I click on 'cars and trucks' to narrow down the results I only see one ad. Why is it telling me there are 2 ads when there's only 1? I've had this happen with a lot of searches. Am I an idiot and am mis-interpreting things?
Instead of bothering with suspicion, I'd just go look at the car. If you wanted it, and still want it, and now have the chance to get it, don't waste time being suspicious.
Ad as many have said, most people are lousy at selling. Between lazy, confused, thinking they'd already sold it, etc. It happens. As well CL weirdness.
As a comical example of this, there's a guy around here who's been listing a set of Miata daisy wheels for over a year on craiglist. I've contacted him twice about them. Both times, he's told me "sorry, they're sold", but invariably a few weeks go by and they are back up. At no time has he ever contacted me back. Now I just look at his listing and just laugh at him. So do some other folk on the Miata forums. It's like he's committed to listing, not actually selling.
I've had my own ads go poof on me when searching through Craigslist, but when I click the email links, they still work.
A fast edit to the ad will usually get it appearing back for regular people. I don't know why it happens, either.
Alright, here's the latest on the "mystery" car seller.
Tuesday morning (Sept. 6th) I got a reply to my inquiry saying the car was still for sale. I was asked when I could see it. The ad LACKED a phone number for contacting the seller (though, at least I now know the person's name) as did this reply. Not sure what to make of that, so I didn't include mine either, out of cautious concern, when I sent reply on the 6th. I may have goofed, tho, when I mentioned I was between jobs and could see the car pretty much anytime but preferred daylight hours.
It is now the better part of a week since my last reply and I am of the opinion I won't lose sleep if I never hear from this person and may in fact string her along like I feel she has strung me along. Example? Set up a time to see this car in person...then not show up. Then pretend she was at wrong spot for meeting.
Its not worth the time. Its just part of using craigslist. If people dont want to put the time into allowing you to buy their car or whatever it is, just move on. I have many times gotten no answer, or an answer that made me decide against further contact with the seller.