You gotta watch the bees in TX. In the southern 2/3s of the state there are Africanized honey bees, other wise known as "Killer Bees". They are very aggressive and have been known to attack anything that disturbs them. Loud noises or sometimes just walking by can set them off.
I know that Ohio's official rock song is "Hang on Sloopy"!
You have to read the proclamation.
WHEREAS, If fans of jazz, country-and-western, classical, Hawaiian and polka music think those styles also should be recognized by the state, then by golly, they can push their own resolution just like we're doing;...
6/23/10 4:15 p.m.
Illinois's state insect is the Monarch Butterfly.

I like my women like I like my coffee: COVERED IN BEES!

(Double hotlinked for double pleasure)
6/23/10 4:49 p.m.

If that "meade" stuff is for sale, count me in............

Interesting. Did not know this.
Vermont's insect is the honeybee!
6/24/10 4:51 a.m.
6/24/10 5:23 a.m.
4eyes wrote:
...where might I purchase this "mead" of which you speak?
Maybe the same guy that sells purple barrels and orange sunshine?
Actually, this stuff is something you have to make yourself, or bribe someone from the Medieval Fairre.
Or the Society for Creative Anachronisms..
Look it up. Learn. I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
There is an outfit in Ferndale Michigan that produces and sells mead. It is tasty
Look up your local beekeepers club, they will have members who make mead for sale. 
The Rocky Mountain Meadery is near my work. I think they might brew (distill? ferment? concoct?) the stuff for some reason.
Ohio state insect since 1975:

New Reader
6/25/10 9:13 a.m.
M2Pilot wrote: (Waiting for responses addressing what your state's official insect is).

Once again, South Carolina wins. Good game y'all.
Keith wrote:
The Rocky Mountain Meadery is near my work. I think they might brew (distill? ferment? concoct?) the stuff for some reason.
Take water with the right amount of sugar content, add yeast, wait- and you have wine.
If the above takes some boiling to activate, that's brewing.
If you take said wine or beer (or more commonly called wort) and heat to the right temp, and the cool down, that's fermentation.
Looking for excuses to post. So reply at your own peril... 
Meads can be fickle, but are easier to make than some other fermented drinks.
Joe's Ancient Orange Mead is actually a quick, easy way to try it out.