2/17/13 8:02 a.m.
OK, I guess it's payback time. I have posted some snarky remarks about you northern guys dealing with single digit temps and double digit snowfalls. This morning it is 44 degrees and very windy here in Ft. Lauderdale, with freeze warnings (!!!!) in effect for tonight. Our wimpy heater can't get the house warmer than 64 degrees. I'm miserable. I realize that this combination would be a pleasant spring day for a lot of you, but for those of us with severely thin Tropical blood, it is quite uncomfortable. Not expecting any sympathy, just letting you know that I am paying for my remarks. Signed, Hurricane Boy
2/17/13 8:07 a.m.
44 degrees? Sheeeeeit, that's prime turbo tuning weather!
2/17/13 8:07 a.m.
Maybe you should head a little further south. Haiti perhaps? 

2/17/13 8:09 a.m.
Had my Haiti thing, prefer Trinidad now. 84 degrees now. Just about right.
The people in my office wear coats indoors. The temperature is set at 24C.
2/17/13 8:34 a.m.
Sorry, you're getting no sympathy from me. I know people that have to keep their houses at 65 degrees because they can't afford to have it any warmer. Oh, and the sun has been up for a few hours now, warming things up to a nice, toasty 10.
Yeah 44F's not pleasant with summer clothes but 64F isn't bad for indoors.
2/17/13 9:03 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
Sorry, you're getting no sympathy from me. I know people that have to keep their houses at 65 degrees because they can't afford to have it any warmer. Oh, and the sun has been up for a few hours now, warming things up to a nice, toasty 10.
I'm supposed to get to almost 30 today... I'm stoked!
Yep... 9F outside right now.
2/17/13 9:10 a.m.
When I left Ohio in 1977, it was minus 10, and 4 feet of snow in the yard. So I truly remember that crap. Not asking for sympathy, just passing on a bit of reality.
2/17/13 9:14 a.m. sympathy here. It was 0 F during the night and it's suppose to go all the way up to 18 F today. And i'm glad. It's a nice break from the -15 F during the night and 0 F during the day that we were getting two weeks ago.
2/17/13 9:14 a.m.
New rear pads and rotors yesterday - it was 15 and miserable. - 44 is maybe sweatshirt weather.
i spent over 5 hours driving in freezing-ass temperatures in a car with a plugged heater core and poor/absent weatherstripping so I'm getting a kick out of this post.
It's a nice and toasty 55f in the house.
Mind you, I'm happiest when it's around 90f outside. But acclimation is key. 55f feels like 90 after standing outside in 15-20 all day.
Supposed to get in the mid-60s today. Trying to decide which restaurant/patio we want patronize for lunch.
2/17/13 10:34 a.m.
cwh wrote:
When I left Ohio in 1977, it was minus 10, and 4 feet of snow in the yard. So I truly remember that crap. Not asking for sympathy, just passing on a bit of reality.
Oh I know, I'm just poking you with a stick 
2/17/13 10:42 a.m.
Minus 13 here today, it's warm enough for me to go out and take some car pictures.
I was wandering yesterday, beautiful February sun, +1C, just a t-shirt and jeans. Practically spring, I say. (As long as you stay out of the shade.)
I was out in shorts yesterday, and it was a sunny 27 degrees.
I was out skiing with a 9yr old, a 10yr old and a 13yr old for 9 straight hours in 15F weather yesterday.
They whined less than you 
64? Hell, at that temp, in the house, I start sweating. We let it drop down to 57-58, at night and I sleep with a window open. It was 7 degrees, overnight.

2/17/13 12:51 p.m.
cwh wrote:
OK, I guess it's payback time. I have posted some snarky remarks about you northern guys dealing with single digit temps and double digit snowfalls. This morning it is 44 degrees and very windy here in Ft. Lauderdale, with freeze warnings (!!!!) in effect for tonight. Our wimpy heater can't get the house warmer than 64 degrees. I'm miserable. I realize that this combination would be a pleasant spring day for a lot of you, but for those of us with severely thin Tropical blood, it is quite uncomfortable. Not expecting any sympathy, just letting you know that I am paying for my remarks. Signed, Hurricane Boy
you're right ... no sympathy from any of us ... I spent yesterday a-x'ing in low mid-30's on and off showers/snow .... couple of pics from the event

wbjones wrote:
you're right ... no sympathy from any of us ... I spent yesterday a-x'ing in low mid-30's on and off showers/snow .... couple of pics from the event
Looks like a lot of fun!
I'm always amused when the subject of weather comes up and someone makes a comment like "Yeah, it was horrible here today, it got so cold that I thought about putting my top up." Amused, because what they feel is bragging, sounds to me more like a plea for help. "I live in a boring land where the weather is the same every day all year round. There's no variation at all! I CAN ONLY LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU PEOPLE WHO GET TO ENJOY SNOW/TORNADOES/BEING ABLE TO SEE YOUR SPIT FREEZE BEFORE IT HITS THE SIDEWALK"
OTOH, one of the reasons I moved out of Columbus (Ohio) was that it so rarely snowed there. Bo-ring.
Any place it gets to 40s more than a couple of times a year is TOO DANGED COLD!
Friday it was 50 degrees as we loaded a show in.. last night when we loaded it out.. it was snowing with a windchill of 10.. I hate the cold, but can acclimate. It is when it jumps around that I can't stand it