9/19/12 10:23 a.m.
I started collecting hot wheels cars (and matchbox as well) and more importantly, the hot wheels tracks for the last few months. My kids and I have a good time building tracks and racing. My 5-year old knows the fastest cars he has. When a car fails to make a jump or a loop he says "Where's the RX7 or 914? They can make it!"
Dood! I had no idea they have HOT WHEELS CARS WITH CAMERAS!!!!
Right. Gonna have to stop by the store tonight on the way home.
Looks like they're under $30 on Amazon - could double as a cheap substitute for a Go-Pro, as it comes with a mount you could strap to a roll cage...
yeah there are some near $20 on amazon. pretty cool, could come in handy if you need to annihilate some sort of nest of insects in a creative way.
I might have to order one to keep around just in case.
It's all fun and games until you find one on your dresser in the morning.....
Yep, they've been around for a year or so now. My sons wanted one for Christmas last year, but they were $50. No matter how cool, I just couldn't justify spending that kind of cash on a HotWheels car that would otherwise be $1.19. As the price continues to creep down, maybe we'll grab one for this Christmas.
DrBoost, my kids are the same way. My boys, ages 8 and 5, will race each other. When one looses, they'll dig through the giant container of cars we have and say "Where's my white Corvette? It's the fastest." I think they know every car they have. My poor daughter will just take whatever car the boys give them, which usually is a slow one. She learns quick though, she'll call them on the carpet.
Another toy I would have crapped my pants with joy at if they existed when I was a kid.
Yeah, 20-30 on Amazon or eBay. 60 fps seems plenty for a hotwheels track. Like Gamboy said, if these existed when I was a kid I'd still be living in my parents basement. but I'd be making some KILLER tracks 
I ordered one. It'll be here Tuesday. I can't wait! I told my wife how much it was, $26 for the 60 fps model, instead of the 30 fps. She said "isn't that kinda expensive for a toy for a 5-year old?" I said "yeah, but it's cheap for a toy for a 40-year old."
DrBoost wrote:
I ordered one. It'll be here Tuesday. I can't wait! I told my wife how much it was, $26 for the 60 fps model, instead of the 30 fps. She said "isn't that kinda expensive for a toy for a 5-year old?" I said "yeah, but it's cheap for a toy for a 40-year old."
You spent 26 dollars on a toy instead of 13 containers of gas station nachos at the Speedway? Its like I dont even know you anymore!