From Wiki:
Surströmming (pronounced [sʉ̌ːʂtrœmːɪŋ], Swedish "soured (Baltic) herring") is a northern Swedish dish consisting of fermented Baltic herring. Surströmming is sold in cans, which may bulge after prolonged storage, due to the continued fermentation. When opened, the contents release a strong and sometimes overwhelming odor, which explains why the dish is often eaten outdoors. A Japanese study has shown that the smell of a newly opened can of surströmming is the most putrid smell of food in the world, beating similar fermented fish dishes such as the Korean Hongeohoe or Japanese Kusaya.
Hell no I am NOT Googling Chinese eggs in little boy pee. 
Toyman01 wrote:
We use a caulking, on the doors we install, that smells just like chocolate frosting. It's even brown and has the consistency of frosting. Since you're wondering, no, I haven't tasted it.
Don't berkeleying do that. It DOES NOT taste like chocolate. Whatsoever.
4/5/12 8:49 p.m.
It sorta seems like I've read this thread before.
Appleseed wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
We use a caulking, on the doors we install, that smells just like chocolate frosting. It's even brown and has the consistency of frosting. Since you're wondering, no, I haven't tasted it.
Don't berkeleying do that. It DOES NOT taste like chocolate. Whatsoever.
What does the black caulk taste like?
Lesley wrote:
I can't for the life of me think why not... who wouldn't like fermented cabbage?
It's right up there with lutefisk, surstromming and those chinese eggs that have been marinated in little boys's pee.
Never had any of those, but I have gone full retard on the beer-snob thing, and have a bomber of this weasel-poop infused goodness aging right now:
4/5/12 10:04 p.m.
I've actually had that coffee - kopi luwak. Good, but not worth the crazy price.
I used to work at a big box sporting goods place that is right next to a plant where they make bologna and hotdogs. In the summer, when the factory would release the pressure in their system, a cloud of meaty/spicey/poopy smelling steam would gingerly waft over in the stagnant july air and settle over the store, smothering and covering all the occupants like a plate of waffle house hashed browns...the horror
there werent any threads this seemed appropriate in until now. I want to salute bravenrace for having the courage to open the door for stories like this, and all the other useless crap that will undoubtedly be posted in the future
You know what doesn't smell good? Anything after drinking 6 or more black label "supreme" cans of beer.
My buddies held a car show in Decatur next to the dog food plant. Motherberkeleyer!
Much to the displeasure of Mrs. Woof, my body has become unusually efficient at turning just about any food (or liquid for that matter) into a gas. Some days I'm good for 50 or more "events". I also can't get enough Kimchi.
Lesley wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Best smelling town in the US is totally Lynchburg TN. I don't really love Jack Daniel's that much but DAMN.
I was there last summer... didn't smell anything at all but holy hell were the cicadas loud! Like something out of a sci-fi movie
One of my friends from up north is also an anime fan. One day she asked me, "..what's that buzzing sound every time they show that that summer is coming?"
Yeah, we went for a ride in the country after that. She couldn't believe we had them here, too.
Down here, there are lots of citrus processing plants and still a few groves that haven't been cut down to build condos and McMansions. During spring, the morning air smells like orange blossoms. When the citrus processing plants start up, you get the smells of marmalade and/or burning orange pulp/peel.
Quite nice, actually.
Lesley wrote:
I was in NYC until yesterday for the auto show. We stayed right on Central Park S. As soon as you walked through the doors, all you could smell was horse poo.
Don't complain, with the warm weather here it hides the stale urine smell
Michigan's Mackinac Island, the quaint land of fudge and manure.

I've done the sailboat race that ends on the island.

One year comes to mind where nearing the finish, the wind direction was unfavorable as it was blowing over the island and right toward us, hampering forward progress. We did however have the pleasure of that bringing the incredible smell of horse E36 M3 and urine. We spent an entire day at sea with the "smells of the land."
eat a broccoli and feta cheese omelet for breakfast, wash it down with some very strong coffee, and then go for a run, all before work.
Your coworkers can thank me later.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Target habanero salsa's pretty good.
Dont get it on your Hootus.
I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I do when I open a jar of habanero salsa is to stick my hootus in it.
In reply to Lesley:
My wife always liked the smell of Crunchberries from the Quaker plant when she was at Coe College (Cedar Rapids, IA)
4/6/12 8:04 a.m.
There's a rendering plant here in Green Bay that, to me, smells like dog food and peanut butter.
Wally wrote:
Lesley wrote:
I was in NYC until yesterday for the auto show. We stayed right on Central Park S. As soon as you walked through the doors, all you could smell was horse poo.
Don't complain, with the warm weather here it hides the stale urine smell
Is that what that is? I thought it was just something they designed in to Subway stairs to keep people moving along.
There's a grain alcohol plant near my hometown. I never knew anyone else who liked the smell, but I do.
I noticed that stale pee smell in the NYC subways too. I was there in midwinter, I guess that took care of the horse poop funk.
I have some gigantic (like 8' tall!) azaleas in my back yard and they were blooming last week. Smelled great but man did it leave a mess for me to rake up. heh, I'm waiting for the kid to come back from spring break, then I will hand her a rake.
Charleston at times smells like low tide on the salt flats. That is one rotten funk, all the dead stuff in the marshes along with the marsh gas from the pluff mud. It's probably as bad as what zomby describes.