Pink slime makes me think of Clark W. Griswold.

'Ladies and gentlemen it is with a heavy heart that I stand here before you, at the retirement ceremony of one of the greatest innovators in the history of the food additives, colorings, and preservatives business, Mr. Clark Wilhelm Griswold, Jr. Today is not a day to be sad, it is a day to look back at the exceptional career and many inventions given to us by Mr. Griswold, before he heads off into the sunset for his retirement, which he prefers to call “my greatest vacation.” Other than his marriage to the lovely Ellen Priscilla Ruth Smith Griswold and their two fine children Rusty and Audrey I’d like to think that these inventions are his most extraordinary accomplishments.
“Milk Additive” Despite the humdrum name, Clark’s first breakthrough discovery in the food additive world was an amazing accomplishment. The state of Breakfast was forever changed with this chemical that allowed cereal to stay crunchy while immersed in milk. No longer would cereal turn soggy and gross and go to waste down the drains of thousands of garbage disposals. Children everywhere were saved from their mothers telling then that “starving children would gladly eat those soggy Cheerios.”
“Long Life Additive” Perhaps the most remarkable of Mr. Griswold’s inventions, this allowed food to stay fresh virtually forever. Once the public got used to drinking milk months after they bought it the invention caught on and helped cure the world’s hunger problem. Again I state, for the record, that our scientists proved beyond a shadow of doubt that this additive is not what was causing all that pesky cancer.
“Diet Dr. Pepper” It really does taste just like regular Dr. Pepper! Why we can’t do this with other diet sodas is a mystery that plagues us to this very day.
“Un-Ice” In 2012, when those rascally Big Tobacco “scientists” declared that it was Microwave Ovens and not cigarettes that were making everybody sick, the world of quick and easy meals was turned on its head. Luckily, newly elected President Shaquille O’Neal declared: “I’m not going to sit around for hours and wait for my steak to defrost after I take it out the freezer box. Shaq is no Neanderthal.” With a government sponsorship, Clark created a product to instantly unfreeze food for easy cooking.
“Leftover-Saver” In 2013, when microwaves were declared safe again, Clark set out to invent an additive that would make leftovers taste exactly like they did when they were fresh. No longer would we have to eat dry, tasteless spaghetti, or waste the time putting a little bit of extra sauce on it before popping it in the mic.
“Wasteless Food” When’s the last time you pooped? Case closed.
And what would a retirement ceremony be without a little roasting. I’m sure all of us would like to extend a big “Thanks” to Clark for his invention of WOW Potato Chips. I’ve never had such delicious fat-free food. Or horrendous diarrhea. You can’t hit a home run every time, right Clark!
On behalf of everyone here today, and everyone working in the food additives, colorings, and preservatives business I’d like to say “thank you, Clark W. Griswold” and may you enjoy your retirement as we have all enjoyed your inventions (except the one that made our anus leak.)