Minor Hijack for a game that I'm loving: Hades

Got it about a week ago on Steam sale and holy carp is this game fantastic. Super Giant knocks it out of the park again by have a clear and focused vision executed perfectly. Not a massive AAA title trying to do everything okay, but a tight indy game doing a few things to utter perfection. It feels more like playing Doom: Eternal than anything else I've played recently.
The premise is simple: you are Zagreus, the son of Hades. You're suffering immortal teen angst and trying to run away from home. Except that means fighting your way up through the levels of the Greek underworld being helped and hindered by various individuals from Greek mythology. When you are invariably overwhelmed and killed, you wake up back in the line of departed souls in Hades palace, and the cycle repeats.
Hades hits the difficulty level on the nose. It is hard, but not punishing. You're going to die a LOT, but it rewards you and makes you feel like you've accomplished something by getting as far as you do. When you suddenly get a good setup or the skills click and you blow well past previous walls that kept blocking you, you really feel like you've accomplished something.
The action is very bite-sized too. I can jump in and spend 10 minutes clearing a couple arenas and jump back out, or I can sit down and crank out a full run (or two) in 60-90 minutes.
And the setup of the game *normalizes* constantly dying. It's not just a normal part of gameplay like in something like Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy, but it's actually written into the narrative. It's the *point* of the game. It's a welcome respite, a chance to relax, purchase upgrades, reconfigure your weapons, and learn more of the story.
It also does one of the best jobs I've ever seen of having mechanics that *support* the narrative that the game is trying to tell. It really is fantastic this way.
As simple as it is, the story is surprisingly well done and feels naturally told. I find the characters interesting, and I really care about them in ways I often don't in games that are trying to tell specific stories or make you care about specific characters. I actually feel for Hades, Achilles is my boy, Nyx loves me, 'Dusa is a sweetheart, I'm growing weirdly fond of Megaera, and Cerberus is my faithful-boi.
To support this, it's the first video game to win a Hugo Award.
Although you're going about many of the same fights over and over in a very old-school kind of way, the weapon and upgrade system, and especially the different choices for boons from the different gods helping Zagreus out on his journey really mix things up and make each run feel different.
Finally, the Art Direction is some of the most beautiful and well crafted ever. Not just pleasing, but far easier to keep track of really busy and chaotic scenes than in other games based around fast paced combat. Contrast to Nier: Automata which I played a bit back, and that infuriated me with several characters all being the same color pallette and frequently losing track of which one I was controlling, who was my ally, and who was my enemy. The voice acting is great and the soundtrack is fantastic.
This game is at least an A. I'll reserve judgement until I beat it on whether it deserves and A+.