Mndsm said:
And then of course, the marquee title, tiny Tina's wonderlands. It's from the borderlands games, but different. It's still a shoot and loot, but there's a lot more rpg elements to it and a focus on goblins and skeletons and stuff as opposed to robots and weird mutants. It's sucked up all my time lately.
Tiny Tina is amazing, but I don't know that it holds up well enough for me to want to do another run with a different character.
If OP likes older titles, an independent group remade the original Half Life with modern graphics, it's called Black Mesa and it's fantastic. Along the same lines, there's a very good Doom homage called Dusk that I'm playing right now that's really good.
Last year I was absolutely blown away by Control. The lore, the soundtrack, the gameplay, all of it was absolutely incredible. It's not necessarily open world, but absolutely worth a look.
I'll second (third?) everyone else saying Fallout. The entire series is absolutely brilliant, I've put thousands of hours into the series. New Vegas is the best, but there's an independent team releasing a large mod for Fallout 4 at the end of the year, so it might be worth starting there just due to the free content.
Hollow Knight is superb, but the bosses get much, much more difficult the deeper you get into the game. The final boss in particular is ridiculous. If you enjoy that style of game but want an easier time, check out Ori and the Blind Forest.
Other random games I've really enjoyed: Prey, RUINER, Transistor, and I highly recommend West of Loathing if you like quirky, off-beat games. It's a very light RPG Western but the writing is absolutely hysterical