All, for no better reason than "we should", a couple of us are having beers at center of the universe brewery this Sunday 12- 2. If you're in the area, you should join us. Driving something entertaining is encouraged, but not required.
Good opportunity to put faces with names on the forum and have a couple beers.
Hope to see you there. Feel free to RSVP here if you can to give us a head count.
Gah! These are always when I am out of town
In reply to fiesta54:
Can always have another....
JtspellS wrote:
In reply to fiesta54:
Can always have another....
Sure. Why not make it a regular thing?
I'll probably stop in for a beer omw up to Dominion.
7/24/16 9:56 a.m.
Traffic does not look to bad.
We will be there a little after 12.
Looking forward to it. My cell Call or text if anyone has trouble finding it or mechanical issues.
Girlfriend has to see what happens with the governor in TWD first, but would say around 1:30-2 for us so long as NB 95 is not hateful.
7/24/16 11:14 a.m.
So, minor fail on my part. When I checked yelp/locu/whatever the first result in Google was, it said opens 11am. Just got here, and the sign says 1pm. Since I think I'm first, not the end of the world, but we may have to entertain ourselves for half an hour or so.
EDIT: They were kind enough to let us in a bit early, all is well. Look for the table of people in car t-shirts 
Good times! Nice to meet you guys.
Thank you for everyone who came out, those who couldn't there's never an issue doing it again!
7/24/16 5:25 p.m.
A little over an hour there. A little over 2 home.
If you have another one on that side of Richmond I'll do my best to make it there.
Cool. Sounds like a successful meet-up.