File this under the category of always looking like a dork in driving photos.
Whenever I see a photo of me driving at the track or auto-x, I always have the same thought...
"Is my neck really that long?"
File this under the category of always looking like a dork in driving photos.
Whenever I see a photo of me driving at the track or auto-x, I always have the same thought...
"Is my neck really that long?"
Yes. Yes it is.
FWIW, I have virtually no neck. My helmet bumps against my shoulder when I tilt my head - so there are worse things....
Look at the bright side:
You get to eat all the leaves on top of the tree that the rest of us can't reach.
Why is there always someone wearing one of these hats at an auto-x? I only see them at Auto-x events!?!? I don't get it...just having fun with the picture because I'm bored.
My 4 year old has this thing where she says "Neck, neck" as she attacks my neck with little kisses and pokes with her tiny little fingers. Tickles like CRAZY (and I'm not very ticklish).
She'd have a field day with you.
DirtyBird222 wrote: Why is there always someone wearing one of these hats at an auto-x? I only see them at Auto-x events!?!?
I used to think all those guys in the silly hats were dorks too, but after a couple years of having the skin peel off my ears, neck, and nose after standing out in the sun for 12 hours every Sunday, I started wearing one too. Go figure.
Salanis wrote: Whenever I see a photo of me driving at the track or auto-x, I always have the same thought...
Boy, I bet! It takes a confident man to wear a pink helmet like that.
By the way, did you see the neck on that guy in front of you?
On that hat topic, this is the version that I like. Baseball style with a back flap. Dont knock it till you try it.
I've been known to be the big floppy hat guy on occasion and I have had my ass busted for it at many racing events...
...but about 10 years ago, the back of my head and neck got burned when a roof collapsed on me in a building fire, so I'm kind of sensitive to sun exposure back there. Sharing the story tends to shut those guys up.
Gotta get me one of those Bass Pro hats.
Salinas, you know what women say; the size of a man's ____ is in direct proportion to the length of his neck.
Better too long than too short
Also I have had some pics taken that are way, WAY worse in a navigational event with no helmets. WAY worse. You should consider yourself lucky. And no I won't post them here...I'll just say that I have a tendency to be in awkward poses and/or have odd facial expressions at the exact moment pictures are taken. People taking pictures have pointed this out to me.
Auto-X was in Stockton CA.
I have a big cheap dorky sunhat that I use exclusively for Auto-X, because it's better than sunscreen. Now I only get burned on the back of my knees, because I always forget to put sunscreen there.
I wish I were driving that 914. That thing freaking rocks.
My girlfriend has one of those back-flap hats. But she's a redhead and burns to a crisp.
I think we all have our own special ways of looking like a moron whenever we're photographed while driving. Maybe that's what makes the professional drivers different from us they don't necessarily have more skills, they can just take in-car footage of them without looking like geeks.
Hmm... I wonder if I could find a PipBoy helmet to make me look like a bobblehead from Fallout. Add a blue race suit and...
I have a big dorkey hat that I wear at auto-x events, backpacking, or anywhere else I am going to be in the sun all day long. I have hit the point in my life where I'd rather be a little dorkey than be sunburned.
If you are really that sensitive about your neck, get a neck collar to use with your helmet. It might fill that space nicely. :) Back when I was doing FSAE at Michigan State, I met am, then little known, biomechanics professor named Dr. Hubbard. He and his borther-in-law were promoting a safety device they invent called the HANS. I learned enough about neck injuries that I decided to use something to limit my head movement when I wore a helmet. I have been teased for looking dorkey in that over the years. But it is another instance where I don't really care.
Looking like a dork in driving photos... My best example is this:
Look at the expression on my face. Wondrous.
Type Q wrote: If you are really that sensitive about your neck, get a neck collar to use with your helmet. It might fill that space nicely. :) Back when I was doing FSAE at Michigan State, I met am, then little known, biomechanics professor named Dr. Hubbard. He and his borther-in-law were promoting a safety device they invent called the HANS.
I'm really not sensitive about it at all. I find it genuinely amusing. It just makes me see how long my neck is. If I were sensitive, I wouldn't have posted pictures of my dorkiness. I just figured y'all could share in my humor.
Do you think they make neck collars big enough to fill that space? If it can't, I'll end up looking like I'm just wearing a Shakespearian ruff.
Seriously, neck protection would be good to have in general. I'd love a HANS, but do not have money or a harness to make it actually function.
MiatarPowar wrote: Looking like a dork in driving photos... My best example is this:Look at the expression on my face. Wondrous.
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