In just a short 10 days, we will be graced with the Grand Tour on Amazon Prime. The return of the automotive Stooges to entertainment and our homes.
"The official line is [Hammond is] dehydrated after being in the desert,” Clarkson told Newsweek's reporter. "The truth is, he got paralytically drunk last night and he’s hungover."
that should make it interesting
I love Clarkson stalling the Aston at the end. 

11/8/16 10:39 a.m.
Just in time for my paternity leave. Are they dumping a season on us or will they release them periodically? I seem to recall the latter.
streaming weekly... Blah, like a regular tv season
so who's got Prime and wants to host a weekly veiwing party? How long before esch episode is pirated all over over the web?
I have prime. I'm sure they'll be on youtube with in minutes
I have prime, need to research what other countries where it's offered, even if for digital content.
In the states we're getting it early!!
Story on jalop